Just cuteness

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When error woke up... Fresh was laughing his ass off..

"Fresh.. What are you laughing about..?" Error asked. Tilting his head. Fresh was covering his mouth to stop him from laughing like an idiot.. "I-It's nothing!" Fresh said. Error narrowed his eyes at fresh. "Fresh this isn't funny..." Error said. Fresh fell forward off the couch with a thud from laughing. Error scrambled up and helped fresh up. Fresh was holding his head in slight pain. Fresh looked at error.. And started laughing again. Errors eye twitched, "How are you laughing?! You could've gotten hurt!" Error hissed. Fresh calmed down and said to words...

"Your face.."

... Error was not amused.. "You've been laughing for 35 minutes... Over that?" Fresh laughed. "Go look in the mirror dummy.." Fresh said. Error groaned and got up and did so.....

Error was mad.... The marker was washable.. Except one... Right in the middle of errors forehead...

Fresh drew a unicorn on his head with the words. 'GAY BOI' Above it....

In sharpie.....

Error was pissed... It wouldn't come off... He was stuck with it.. Fresh collapsed from laughing.. And was just wheezing.. Error was still mad.. Fresh managed to calm down. And sit with error.. Fresh was having trouble keeping a straight face....

Error was still mad. Him and fresh were just sitting across from each other.... Error leaned slightly closer. Fresh stopped him and fresh put his shades on error.. Error was slightly disappointed. But was slightly happy to see fresh smiling at error. "You look good in glasses!" Fresh said. Error rolled his eyes. "Oh. I found these weird glasses. And I think you'd look good in them!" Fresh ran to get them....

He came back with his glasses.. Error glasses.. A pair of round glasses he usually wears when he reads.. "Where'd you find those..?" Error asked. Fresh looked at error. "That room I stayed in before the incident with the medicine while cross and ink were over.... I found them in the night stand drawer.. They seemed cool.." Fresh said.  Error blushed. "I-I'm not wearing those.." Error said. Fresh frowned, "Please?" Error shook his head. Fresh did puppy eyes and begged "pleaseeese!?" Fresh whined. Error looked away. He tried ignoring it.. But he couldn't.... "Fine...." Before error could say another word... Fresh tackeled error and shoved the glasses on errors face. Fresh sat up and pulled error up, Error blinked, He felt weird wearing them.. Fresh looked at error stunned. Error looked confused. "Wha-" error was cut off.. "YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" Fresh squealed. Error blushed badly. "Um." Error didn't know what to say. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about... I use to wear glasses.. But. They were actually just normal black shades." Fresh said. Error looked at fresh. "That doesn't help..." Fresh looked at error. "I may have lied... A little.." Fresh said.. Error gasped. "I-" Fresh cut error off. "NO! DON'T SAY IT!" Fresh hissed. Error whined. "It's only fair!" Error said. Fresh hissed. "I would. But I don't know where they are... I lost them in a blizzard few years back...." Fresh said. Error nodded. He shrugged. "Then I'll get you some.." Error purred. Fresh flinched and groaned.. "I hate you... But I love you too..." Fresh sighed. Error purred and cuddled up to fresh. "Whatever.... I love you to." Fresh smiled. "You still look adorable in those glasses.." Fresh said. Error rolled his eyes. "And you look adorable without them.." Error said. Fresh blushed and looked away. Error laughed and nuzzled fresh. Fresh sighed and cuddled error. "Screw you error.." Fresh said. Error kissed fresh on the cheek and nuzzled him. "Love you to you parasite.." Error said. Fresh huffed.






Error laughed. "Computer?" Fresh blushed. "Oh well.. I like it.."

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now