rip fucking everything-

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"Freeessshhh- Wakee uppp." Error said while shaking fresh. Fresh groaned in response. "Fuck youu- I'm sleeping." Error rolled his eyes. "You just did. But it's literally almost fucking midnight we've been asleep for like, almost 8 hours." Fresh grunted and turned away from error. Error scotted closer to fresh. "C'mon fresh. Plus. I heard someone downstairs and i think they stole some shit.. Plus we left you glasses-" Fresh shot up and fell sideways off the bed. "My GlAsSEs!" Fresh screamed. Error laughed. "Before you go downstairs. Put some clothes on-" Error said. Smiling at fresh. Fresh glared at him and turned away. "Fuck you.. Like you have anything on anyway.." Fresh said, "Although that's true. I don't look nearly as good." Error said. Fresh just gave error the middle finger. "What? It's a complement!" Error laughed. "Whatever. Where da fuck are my clothes..?" Fresh asked. He looked around.  He found his shirt. and his shorts at least- He was confused on where the hell his jacket went. Fresh just went downstairs and left error by himself. Fresh was looking around for his glasses desperately. Error just came downstairs in some pajamas. And just watched fresh. Fresh looked up at error. "What are you lookin' at?" Fresh said. Error shrugged. "Just watching you look for your glasses." Fresh just blinked at error and just went back to looking. Fresh checked the coffee table. "Oh hey.... Ink left a note...?" Fresh said, confused. Fresh read it... Before just dropped the paper. "I'm done." Fresh said. Walking away into another room. Error rolled his eyes and picked up the paper.

Dear Error an fresh.

     So.. After we walked out the door. (Me and cross..) i relized i left my paintbrush in your house.. I was gonna walk in. But uh- Imma say long story short.. I'm scared from the things i have heard... And so is geno cause he left his bracelet thier a few weeks ago.. And cross...... And im probably be called a creep. And i really don't care. Say anything you want. But all i care is tell me when your having children- Then I'll be interested.- Ink

Error just stared at the paper.. He just bawled it up and threw it away. Error heard fresh just walking around in the kitchen. "Good to know you enjoy stealing my food-" Error shouted to fresh. Thier was a moment of silence before he heard fresh yell back. "You never said i couldn't!" Fresh said. Fresh walked back into the room with a handful of candy. He jumped over the couch and sat down. ".... Are you seriously eating candy at fucking midnight." Fresh shrugged. "You ain't got shit to eat. So i stole your candy." Fresh said. Error just blinked and shook his head. He just turned on the T.V. and watched whatever was on. Fresh laid down on the couch and started falling asleep. "We woke up 15 minutes ago fresh." Error said. "Well. I'm tired.." Fresh mumbled. "You act like a cat, fresh.." Error replied. "Says you.. you hiss at everything 24/7" Error hissed. Fresh looked at him. "There ya go again." Fresh said. Error frowned. "Fuck you." Fresh looked at error and gave him a look. Error knew what he was gonna say. "Don't. Even. Say it." Error growled. Fresh smiled. And fell asleep. Error rolled his eyes and went back to watching T.V. Eventually falling asleep himself at 5 o'clock in the morning...

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now