rip.... Fresh is sick....?

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I think we all know where this is going..... Right?

Error groaned when he woke up... He was on the floor... "I really need to stop sleeping in weird places... How'd I get down here anyway..?" Error sat up and stretched. Fresh was sleeping on the couch. Error noticed it was 5 in the afternoon... "I really need to sleep at better times.." Error said to himself. "Fressshhh~" Error shook fresh awake and fresh groaned painfully in response. ".. Fresh you okay...?" Error asked. "I.. Wanna fucking die." Fresh said.  Error blinked in response. "Well. Go back to sleep then... Sorry to wake you..." Fresh refused. "Nuuu. I'm fiiinnneee!" Fresh tried sitting up but groaned in pain and laid back down. "Holy shiiit- I'm so hung over." Fresh groaned. "Hung over?! Fresh the hell!" Error hissed. "You never told me you were an alcoholic!" Error said. Fresh laughed. "Naww- I just got invited to a party reallyyy late last night. And I drank so fucking much- That's probably why you woke up on the floor home dawg.."

"Fresh what the hell...? 'Home dawg'?"

"Maaaaan- I'm actually still drunk as shit."

".... How much alcohol did you drink....?"

"Umm.. I dunno.. Like. I had 5 beers.. And I. What's it called...? It's like a small metal barrel with a bunch of alcohol in ittt- I forgot what's it called. But I did that and I drank the entire thing in one gooo-"

Errors eye twitched. "How are you alive..?" Fresh laughed.. He even sounded drunk as hell.. "Why are you askin' mee...?" Fresh said. "I ain't no god, honey. I can't awnser everything." Error sighed. "I'm ge- Fresh! Were the he'll you'd get a damn flask?!" Fresh blinked. "I dunno. Found it in meh pocket." Fresh examined the bottle and squinted at something on the flask. "Oh. It's just blueberry's flask. He won't minnnd-" Error walk over to fresh. "Can I see that for a moment?" Error knew he could just take it cause.. Fresh was still drunk from a party he knows nothing about.. Fresh shoved the flask into errors hand. "Also. If the police show up at the door. Say you know nothing about meh- yeah hear...?" Error froze and looked at fresh. He just stared at fresh until he noticed 2 horrible things....

1; Fresh had glass shards stuck to his jacket... That isn't a good sign...


Error gaged slightly.. "Fresh. What'd you do?!"

Fresh thought for a moment.. 2 minutes actually.. "Oooohhhhh- yeahhhhhhj- I think I was drunk and me and a few of mah friends broke into a store! Than later we got in a fight with sum peoplz. And I killed 3 people. Permanently injuring 4.. And knocking out 1.." Error started to hyperventilate a little. Not only was error probably gonna have police looking for his fresh... But he could turn fresh in. He was just making his head hurt..

Fresh watched a terrified error pace around nervously. Half bearly sober.. Fresh took a minute to try making a sentence. "Hmm.. Babe.. Calm down it's nothinggg.... Just sit down and chilax..." Error stoped pacing and stared at fresh. "How am I supposed to calm down and sit if I'm gonna be sitting next to someone covered in blood and glass!" Fresh looked at his jacket. "Awww nuu... My jackettt-" Error rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just- drink some water and get yourself cleaned up..." Fresh whined. "But I have no other cloths babe..!" Error hissed. "D-Don't call me that! You can borrow something until then.." Fresh shrugged and clumsy got up and went to clean himself up. Error sighed. "I'm gonna go outside and take a break..."

Error walked outside... He walked out a little more and was pacing back and forth. Contiplating on what he should do. Error looked up and noticed a car sitting outside his house... and another in his abandoned driveway... He didn't have a car.. He didn't need one anyway... But. He didn't think much of it.... Error kept pacing until he was tackled. He tried screaming but someone covered his mouth. And 3 guns pointed at his face. They all looked at him. ". .Error. is that you?" Error was confused. One of the other guards- Police?, No. It's SWAT. Looked at whoever. "G. You know him?" Error gasped. "G HOLLY SHIT!" G shushed him. "Anyway.. Knowing you.. you distroyed AU's... I have a feeling you still do. But... 15 people were murdered last night and someone tracked the murder to this area." Error tenced. Error shook his head. "I never leave my house really... I'm known as the Hermit by kids around here." Error said.. Him and G continued to talk.. One guy still gripping to error. Not trusting him.. One of the guards glanced up and before they could say anything. The person holding error down was tackled and thrown off him. Error felt someone drag him away slightly and hug him from the side. Error shook his head and looked over. "FRESH! THE HELL!" fresh looked at error. "I didn't know what was going on. But i saved your sorry ass. Be thankful." Fresh said. Nuzzeling him. Error blushed in embarrassment. "Fresh we're outside infront of fucking police. And people. Stop it." Error hissed. Fresh huffed and just hugged him. G shook his head. "HOW THE HELL?!" G looked at them. Error held his hands up. And fresh glanced sideways. "What..? I just had the element of surprise.." Fresh said. "Yes but- but- THAT GUY IS 6'2 AND IS A SOLID BLOCK OF MUSCUAL! HOW?!" Fresh shrugged. "It's always been that easy for me to tackal people... But i ain't joining your forces... Imma rebel. And i stay like that." Fresh said. Error rolled his eyes. "This is fresh..... Fresh. This is G." Fresh tenced and hid behind error glaring at him. G smiled. "WEEELL- Fressh! Long time no see!" Error looked at both of them. "You know eachother?" Fresh and G nodded. G shrugged, "We don't get along very well... I killed fresh 5 times. And he's got a score of 9." Error's eye twitched.  "OKAY WAIT!: YOU KILLED MY BOYFRIEND. 5 TIMES?! AND HE KILLED YOU 9 TIMES?! HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS ALIVE?!" Fresh laughed his ass off. And G held in a laugh. "Don't worry about it... But. Im sure your boyfriend will explain it to you." G dissapered with everyone who came with him. Error hissed. And fresh dragged error back inside. And onto the couch. Fresh was saying something to error but he was to busy Contiplating everything in today's events. Fresh pushed error off the couch and onto the floor. Error yelped and fresh laughed, Error glared at fresh. "What was that for?!" Error hissed. Fresh smiled down at error. "Hey. Your not deaf anymore.. Welcome back to the land of the living." Error rolled his eyes and he crawled back up onto the couch, Fresh curled up to error. Fresh laid his head on Errors chest. "I stole your clothes cause you never gave me anything to wear cause my other clothes are covered in blood... So hope you don't mind." Fresh said. Error shrugged.  "I could care less.." after awhile fresh fell asleep.. It was understandable. Error sighed. "You still act like a cat fresh.. You sleep to much... But it's adorable..."

You were all wrong! HA! >:D

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now