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Fresh was drawing on errors face when ink came over... Ink was confused before he was laughing on the floor.. Also.. Because apparently Glitch takes after fresh more than error.. Fresh gave glitch a washable marker and even Glitch was drawing on his face.. And ink joined in... Creed... He got pictures to embarrass him later... This went on for hourss.. Until they got bored and stopped.. And fresh took the marker from Glitch.. And Fresh and Ink were talking...

About after 5 minutes. Of Glitch poking error while he was asleep. Error woke up... Only to be met with fresh and ink laughing Thier asses off.. Error was confused before he narrowed his eyes. "Fresh.. I swear. If you did it again..." Error was cut off by fresh falling over and wheezing. Error sighed. "Why must you do this to me.."  Error groaned. Error got up and went to wash his face off.. Glitch throwing a marker after error... "I'll get you back for this!" Error yelled down the stairs. Fresh rolled his eyes. "TRY ME!" Fresh yelled back..

And thus.

A battle began.. >:3

((Sorry it's short.))

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now