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(( Sorry for the cheesy/Very original title. I couldn't think of anything.. plus my bad music taste. Sorry. XD ))

Error walked down a dark path. He checked his surroundings.. A forest.. Error stopped walking and looked around. The sky was dark. With millions of stars looking back at him. Traces of purple. Pinks. And a multitude of different colors. Error sat down. Admiring the view. Error didn't notice 4 white silhouettes sit next to him. Until thier starry appearance caught his eye. He reconized only one of them.. Fresh.. He had stars surrounding him. A light outlook and glow. His eye that had a heart was replaced by a star. He looked at him. And smiled at him. A sad look on his face. Fresh scooted closer to him and leaned on him. Error shivered slightly. Fresh felt cold. Yet warm and pleasant at the same time. The other 3 cuddled up to error as well. Error slightly shocked on who they were.. But error saw one of the 3 looked strikingly similar to him. He looked at Error and smiled. Error smiled slightly back. He looked back up to the sky. He looked over and fresh looked depressed. Fresh kissed error on the head before dissapering. The other 3 dissapered one by one. The one who looked similar to fresh. Huged him tightly before dissapering into millions of stars that flew up into the sky like wing carried them away. A few tiny glowing stars remained on Errors jacket before going out and becoming a few white specks like snow..  Error closed his eyes and everything went white...

Error blinked open his eyes and stretched. He sat up in his bed and looked around. His dream still strong in his mind. He was having trouble trying to comprehend what he dreamt. He ignored it and decided to go eat something. He got up and walked out of his room. He walked down the stairs and walked past fresh. Who was sleeping peacefully. He looked at him and just kept walking. Error grabbed whatever was edible and ate it. Errors dream came back to him and tried thinking about it. He put his head down and almost fell back asleep until he heard a loud thud come from the living room. He got up and saw fresh fell off the couch. He groaned and error shighed and helped fresh up. Fresh grabbed onto error and leaned on him. He made a few inaudible noises before speaking proper English. "I wanna go back to sleep.." Fresh groaned. "It's 2 in the afternoon. But whatever.." Error said. He laid fresh back on the couch and just sat on the floor and watched T.V..

Fresh woke up around 5 in the afternoon. And mainly did nothing.. Only because error refused to let him. Fresh sat up and error was sitting on the couch.. Error was watching the T.V. with little interest.. Fresh poked him. "Hm?" Error looked at him. Fresh poked him again. "I said what.." Error said. Fresh poked him. Once again. "Stop poking me.. It's weird!" Error hissed. Fresh poked him again. Error poked him back. To get him to stop. But he poked him again. Error hissed and tried scooting away. But fresh scooted closer and poked him again. Error hissed and fell off the couch. Fresh stared at him for a few seconds before poking him again. Error screamed.

ErrorFresh (Error X Fresh)Where stories live. Discover now