Chapter 38

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The room fell into a deep silence that you could actually hear each individuals intake of breath. I stare into Skylar's eyes and found nothing but genuine truth and longing. Everybody looks at me waiting for my reaction.

I kept my hold on Lily but my emotions are all over the place. My hands tremble as I try to take a firm grip around Lily.

"Y-your lying. " I said but the crack in my voice betrayed what I believe in.

Skylar shook her head softly as she advance toward me and Lily. "I know the truth may seem crazy but I can tell you everything you want to know. "

"Stay back! " I shouted pressing the blade closer to Lily's neck making her wince. Several people aim their guns back at me but one shout of order from Skyler made them reluctantly lower their guns.

"Look I know their is no reason for you trust me but I also know you can't defeat Y/B/N alone. " She said as her eyes glared at the blade around Lily's neck.

I choke back on my spit. "H-how did y-"

"I will tell you want you want to know if you will just lower your weapon and trust me. " She said.

I took a glance around the room and found several men and women who seen war and fought them with no sweat.

Upon seeing me look around the room Skylar immediately order everyone to leave the room but.. some familiar people didn't followed the order.

"We ain't leaving. " Drake said.

"Yeah, if this guy does work for that psycho than I ain't trusting him one bit. " A woman's still unnamed to me said with her British accent agreed with a nod of her head as her blonde hair sway back and forth.

The other woman who I am guessing is Violet because of her  of her striking and intimidating violet eyes stares at me from afar as if she is studying my every move.

Maybe she is

"My brother won't harm-"

"It's fine they can stay. " I said surprising them then I surprise them more by releasing the hold I have on Lily.

I sigh as all their eyes are trained on me. "I feel safer since I know this are your friends Skylar. "

All of them look at me in bewilderment.

I sigh again knowing I have to explain cause if not they may think I have been watching them and stalking their every move. "I hid behind the counter in the kitchen after eating-"

"So it way YOU! " Lily shouted accusingly before stomping her foot childishly. "It took me all morning to cook that for my Skylar. "

I heard Skylar chuckle as she wrap an arm around Lily's waist. "It's fine baby girl. " Lily blush as Skylar planted a soft loving kiss on her cheek.

I gave a soft cough making them return their attention on me. "Look I am sorry to be direct on this but I have limited time here. "

Skylar furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean limited time? "

I wave her question off. "I am supposed to be the one who ask questions here not the other way around. "

Skylar let out a sigh before looking straight at my eyes. "I haven't seen you in so long except the photos from mom and dad showed me. " She suck in a deep breath as she continued. "Everyday I wonder was it the right choice I made. "

"What do you mean? " I ask confuse nothing is making any sense.

Skylar gesture for me to take a seat at her king sized bed. "Take a seat because it's gonna be a long story from start to end. "

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