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Fandom: Riverdale

Character: Archie Andrews

Title: You're going to Loose that girl

Note: It's kinda a songfic



" Hey Y/n." I turn around the crowded hallway looking for the person who called my name. Archie, walks up to me with a smile on his face.

" What's up?" I smile, swapping out books from my locker.

" Just wondering," Arch replaces some books from his locker. Archie and I have been friends since I can remember. We grew up right next to each other, played together, pretty much did everything together. He even sometimes lets me help him write his songs. After getting to know someone that well, you eventually grow feelings for them, and that's what happend with me. Except I have a boyfriend, Reggie.  Anyway, I'm almost positive that Archie likes Betty, who also happens to be my other bestie.

" I was just wondering if you are going to come with Betty, Veronica, Kevin and I to Pop's tonight?" He looks at me, his eyes the color of aged whiskey, with flecks of gold and red circling the inner eye.

" Um," I don't really want to see Betty getting any closer to him so it's probably the best if I don't go, " I really shouldn't I have a lot of homework." I lie. He frowns, but then a smile appears on his face.

" What if I came over and helped you with your homework after football practice?" His eyes light up, " then we could go to Pop's and meet up with them there."

" Well, I guess," I smile, " I mean it's a lot but I can finish it." I look up at him.

" Perfect," he laughs, grabbing one more book, " then I'll see you there." He walks down the hall to his next class.

" Hey princess," Reggie entwines our hands. I smile at him, losing feeling for him. He's a good guy but he hasn't shown any affection in a long time besides now- holding hands. We have language together. " How's it going?"

" Good, I'm tired," I sigh, today has been a long day, " what about you?"

" I'm good," he adjusts the book in his other hand, " just football practice after school. You gonna watch?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes smiling, " no, I have homework I need to get done."

A mischievous smile races across his face, " I can help you study." He rolls his eyebrows.

" I didn't say study," I punch his arm, smiling, "you dork." He laughs, as we walk into the language room.

_------------------Time skip to after football practice--------------------------_

Archie's POV

I finally got the confidence to stand up to Reggie. Y/n has been telling me things about him, how she's ready to dump him. That's great news to me, I've liked Y/n every since 3rd grade. I've just never been able to tell her. She makes me so happy and us being best friends makes it even better, but worse, I could be friend zoned. I carefully take my guitar, the one that Y/n bought me, out of its case.

" Hey Reggie," I call, he stops turns around.

" What do you want?" He rolls his eyes.

I start to play, while singing.

You're going to loose that girl

You're going to loooose that girl

If you don't take her out tonight, she's going to change her mind

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