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Sherlock x reader

Y/N's  POV

Today was jut another rainy day in London. There haven't been any cases for Sherlock and John was with Mary today so it was just Sherlock and I at the flat. Sherlock and I have been dating for a year now, but whenever we have company over, or we're around other people, he shows minimal affection, but I'm not surprised. With dating a guy like him you have to expect that. Hopefully today might be different.

" Sherrrlock," I whine, looking over at the curly haired genius, " I'm bored." He still stares at his computer screen, typing away. " Sherlock."

" Y/N," he sighs, not looking up from his screen," if you're so bored why don't you take a walk or...something." The computer's screen illuminating his blue eyes.

" It's raining out." I walk over to the window, watching the rain drops fall.

" Yes, I am well aware of that."

I walk into the kitchen, looking for a snack. I open a cupboard, taking out a bowl, walking over to the pantry. I grab the peanuts, and pour them into the bowl. As I make my way back to the couch, I grab my tan, fuzzy blanket from our room, then sitting down on the couch ready for a Doctor Who marathon. 3 episodes in, my interest starts to wear off, I glance over at Sherlock. Who's still typing away.

" Hey, you wanna do something?" I ask, waiting for him to look up from his computer. No response. " Sherlock," I say throwing a peanut at him, getting him to look up at me. Well that's a start. Then he returns to his computer.

" Is tobacco ash really that interesting?" I sigh staring at the ceiling.

" You should read it, you might learn something, Y/n." He smirks, glancing up at me.

"Ooo," I say, slightly intrigued, " sassy Sherlock." I throw a few more peanuts at him.

" Will you stop that?"

" That depends," I walk over to his computer, picking a peanut off of the keyboard, " if you will do something with me." I smile, trying my best puppy eyes.

" Ok, fine." Sherlock closes his computer.

" Yay!" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. He closes the gap between our lips, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My fingers find their way up his nick and tangling themselves in his curls. I break away from him, watching his pupils dilate, looking into those icy blue eyes, almost the color of the sky as a storm rolls in, calming. A small laugh escapes my lips. Sherlock's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

" Your pupils dilated." A smile forms on my face.

" And your pulse elevated," he smirks," so what do you have planned for us?" He questions, looking around the flat.

" You're the one with deducing skills," I turn to face him, " deduce me." I smirk.

" Y/n, you know you are the only person that I cannot deduce." He sighs, I smile at him saying that.

" Well," I rest my hands on my hips," I was thinking we could make a fort." I say looking up, at my detective.

" Childish." He says.

" But," I add, " creative."I hand him some pillows.

Sherlock's POV

Y/n hands me some pillows, then walking into our room bringing back out all blankets we have, then she pulls some chairs over,

" Let's do this." She smiles.

--------------Time skip brought to you by Anderson, don't talk out loud-----------------

Y/n's POV

" This is perfect," I look over at Sherlock, who seems to be enjoying this a little bit, " can you go get the Christmas lights please?" I kneel down to look at the masterpiece we've made.

"What do you need Christmas lights for?"

" For the fort." I say climbing back out of the fort. While he goes and grabs the lights, I throw a few more pillows into our masterpiece. Sherlock returns with the lights, handing them to me.I plug the lights in, weaving them through out the fort.

" Okay," I walk over to Sherlock, " I think we're done." I grab his hand and lead him through the fort.

" See isn't it better with lights?" I look over at Sherlock the lights, reflecting in his eyes, his eyes shown a dull honey, or a light whiskey, but the vibrant blue still strikes though the gold daze

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" See isn't it better with lights?" I look over at Sherlock the lights, reflecting in his eyes, his eyes shown a dull honey, or a light whiskey, but the vibrant blue still strikes though the gold daze. I lay down, resting my head on a pillow. A pair of strong arms wrap around me, I look up at Sherlock, who looks down at me giving me a smile. I rest my head on his chest, listening to Sherlock's heart beat, calming me.

" It," Sherlock checks his watch, " should be here soon." He says scrolling though the TV for something to watch.

" Wait," I say lifting  my head, " what should?"

" The pizza, I ordered for us. It should be here soon." He says checking his watch again.

" Aw, Sherly," I kiss his cheek, " you didn't have to do that." The doorbell rings, Sherlock walks to go get the pizza. He comes back with the pizza and soda.

" Where did you the soda from?"

" I ordered some a head of time." He says sitting back down. I re-arrange myself, so I can eat better. We decide to watch The Notebook

Sherlock's POV

The movie ends, Y/n is in tears. I try to comfort her but that seems not to be working.

" Why are you crying?" I look down at Y/n.

" The ending." More tears escape her eyes.

" There...there," I hold Y/n, gently rocking her.  A small laugh escapes her lips, then a smile.

" Does this mean you're happier?" 

" Yes," she chuckles," yes I'm happier." Y/n's head rests on my chest.

" Goodnight Y/n," I place a kiss on her forehead, " I love you."


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