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Fandom: Merlin

Character: Merlin

Title: Never again

this was a request from : @Shannon1300



When you think of a work place, you might think of a nice, lavish office. With nice carpet, and cozy atmosphere, and your co-workers are your friends. But that's not my case here. 2 years. 2 years, that's how long it's been since I've started working at the castle. And that's how long it's been since bullied. Now I know it sounds a little childish to say 'bullied' but that's essentially what's been happening to me. Coming to Camelot hasn't been all bad though, I've landed myself a job ( for better or for worse ), I've found friends, and have developed...a crush. Since the moment I've laid eyes on him, I've fallen hopelessly in love with him, but he doesn't seem to notice me at all. And another thing keeping us apart is who he works for. Yes, he's a servant, like me, except he's a servant for the man who makes my life a living hell.

I don't know what I did to make Prince Arthur hate me so much, but something happened. Everyday for the past 2 years, the Prince has mercilessly beat me up. We're not just talking about mentally taunting me and calling me names, but also physically. Every time I pass him in the hallway, he'd trip me, throw a punch, slap me when no one is around. There's nothing I can do about it. So I've changed my life and learned of co-exist with this reality, but this was the one time where Arthur went to far.

I sigh, walking into the drafty Camelot castle.

" Hey Y/N!" My attention gets pulled away from the castle to Merlin, who has a huge smile on his face. Butterflies fly in my stomach as he walk towards me, looking adorable as ever. His adorable electric blue eyes meet mine. As his black hair bounces slightly as he walks towards me.

" Hey Merlin!" I smile, as his arms start to wrap around my shoulders, but they immediately retract, when Merlin's eyes look down the hall.

"MERLIN!" Arthur yells from down the hall. My smile falters, when I see the blond prince. Arthur walks towards us, with every step anxiety racks within me as he walks closer. I tense up, getting ready to be hit.

"L/N," Arthur scoffs as he walks past me. Arthur grabs Merlin by his arm and yanks him away from me. I take one last gaze at Merlin, who's looking over his shoulder at me. Small butterflies fly in my stomach as my heart aches but I paint on a smile and look at Merlin before walking away.




"Hey Y/N," Gwen calls me over to her. I put my broom aside and I walk over to my curly haired friend.

"I'm really sorry for asking you this, but can you do me a favor?" She pleads, biting her lips.

Gwen's worried looks goes away when she hears my answer, "of course! What's up?" I smile, giving her my full attention.

" I know how much you hate him," my stomach drops with her words, as irritation grows in me as I think about Arthur. " I was just wondering if you could bring this up to him?" She hands me a platter of food.

My shoulders drops as she places the tray in my arms, "you can't bring him lunch?" I

Gwen shakes her head, "Lady Morgana asked me to help her with a dress fitting."

Sarcasm drips from my voice as I roll my eyes, "how convenient." I re-arrange the tray in my arms and start walking away .

"Thank you!" Gwen calls from behind me, I say you're welcome and make my way to Arthur's chambers.

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