Teen Wolf

860 14 0

Fandom: Teen Wolf

Character: Scott McCall

Title: Family night

Note: I'll get a gif for this chapter a little bit later, my wifi isn't working and my data won't let any of the gifs load :(



Tonight was the big night.

Tonight was the night your little girl, Addison McCall, had her first school play. And being a proud mother you couldn't wait. The play was called ' Bugz ' even thought it sounded bad, you still couldn't wait to see your little girl up on stage. Some teachers sent home a note, asking for the parents to buy some accessories they needed for the costumes. Addison was a butterfly, and she couldn't wait. She started telling you how excited and happy she was that she had gotten to be a butterfly weeks before the play actually had its choreography. 

Right now you and your husband, Scott, had just sat down in some chairs in front of the stage. 

" Ohhh I can't wait!" You exclaim, rubbing your hands on your skirt. You look up to your brown-eyed husband. A smile brushes on his lips when he sees the sparkle in your eye and the huge smile on your face. 

Scott leans over and grabs your hand, entwining it with his. " Our baby girl is gonna be so great up there." He whispers, kissing the side of your head.  The smile on your face grows when the lights start to dim, and the opening song starts to play. You spot Addison in the first row in her caterpillar costume. You raise your phone and take a couple of your adorable little girl. She has Scott's hair color,  the texture of Melissa's curly hair and your eyes along with the most adorable freckles and dimples. You watch Addison's curly, brown pigtails bounce as she dances the set choreography. As soon as Addison's eyes meet your's her eyes light up and she waves at you. 

" Scott," You look up to him, " look!" You point at Addison, who's still waving at you. Both you and Scott wave back to her. A small giggle escapes her lips as she does a few hops in place. A couple of songs later it's time for the fireflies' song. The word on the street is that Addison has her own solo in this song. You pull out your phone, putting your camera on video. Soon enough there she was, your little Addison at the microphone singing her little heart out. It was the most adorable thing ever known to man kind.  As soon as she started singing  a round of ' awe's ' shoot through out the crowd. You watch your daughter through the phone screen. Addi sways along with the slow tempo. With every other sway her smile grows, and you can't help  but swell with pride at her on stage, having the time of her life. 

" Y/N," Scott looks down at you, " put the phone down or you'll miss the moment." He was right.  You were too immersed in getting her on video, you almost missed actually watching her on stage. 

" I know," you say, putting your phone in your lap, " I just don't want to miss anything." You sigh, leaning back in your padded chair.

" You're gonna miss more if you record it on your phone." Scott looks down on you, chuckling.

" I know," you huff, laughing. " I know."

---- After the play---

" MOMMY!" Addison runs toward you with her arms wide open.

" Addi!" You fall onto your knees, scoping her up in your arms, twirling her around. " You were amazing up there!" 

" I know!" She giggles in your arms. You were kind of taken aback by her response. You had never taught her to be sassy. She must've learned it from someone....

" Oh boy," you acted shocked. " Someone's sassy." You start tickling her, before someone scoops her out of your arms.

" There's my babygirl." Scott starts peppering her face with kisses.

More giggles escape her lips as she swats at Scott. " Dad stop." She squirms in his arms. 

Scott rests Addison on his left hip, supporting her back with his left arm. His right arm wraps around your waist as he leans in and slowly presses his lips against yours.

" I love you."

A small smile grows on your lips, "  I love you too."

You can't help but admire the view. The love of your life, holding your little angel. That's when you knew that you had the best life, even with all of Scott's supernatural commotion going on. You found peace in your little family, and that's all that you need.


This is really trashy and super short-- :( 

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