Grey's Anatomy ( pt. 1)

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Fandom: Grey's Anatomy

Character: Jackson Avery

Title: " I love you too."

This was a request from: shamira_avery



I sigh, taking off my light green scrub cap. Apparently, a 20 hour long surgery was too long for me, and according to Amelia, I fainted during the surgery. I knew that it was risky for me to operate that long, with me being pregnant and all.

Yes, I'm pregnant, and yes nobody knows.

I don't know what it is about this hospital with people getting pregnant and not telling anybody, but right now that just seems to be the best option. Gossip spreads like wildfire in this hospital. I would love to tell someone, Amelia is like a sister to me, but she has enough to deal with right now, with Derek passing and all. I could tell Callie, she has a child, maybe she could help me with mine. But of all people, I really should tell Jackson, I mean it is his kid. I always have wanted kids, but I wanted to wait until I was married, but I guess that isn't happening.

But when I do tell Jackson, I want it to mean something, I'm not just going to throw a pregnancy test at him and hope that he'll look at it. I want it to be special, I want to surprise him, and hopefully he'll be happy about it. I can only hope that we won't have any don't have any problems, with our child.

I walk into the attendings' lounge, carefully making my way over to the couch. I exhale, extremely happy that I could sit down. I bend over, attempting to squeeze my very swollen feet out of my tiny tennis shoes, but before I could, nausea washes over me and immediately I'm back on my feet and running over to the trash can, vomiting into it.

" Oh my god, Y/N!" Callie walks into the lounge, dropping her coffee, rushing over to me to pull my hair back. " A-are you okay? Are you hurt?!" She ties my hair back, as I sit back up.

" Okay, if I tell you please don't tell anyone," a hoarse laugh passes through my lips. " I know how gossip goes around this hospital. "

" Yeah, yeah, of course." A light smile appears on her face, with a hint of worry. I really debate if I should tell her or just lie, and say that I'm sick. But I shouldn't be ashamed for being pregnant, Callie was an amazing surgeon while being pregnant so was Meredith, I can do that too.

" I'm pregnant." Those two words quietly slip through my mouth. Immediately, her face lights up, causing a huge smile to appear on her face.

" Oh my god! Y/N, that's amazing!" Callie leans in and hugs me.

I smile, breaking our hug, " thanks."

" How far along are you?"

" About 8 weeks."

" Oh my god," a bright smile is still on her face as she hugs me again. But her smile gets replaced with a solemn, yet questioning look as we break apart. " Does Jackson know?"

" No," I sigh," but I'm planning to tell him tonight." Excitement and anxiety start to bubble within me. " Okay, but what if he doesn't want a kid? O-or what if-"

" No, no, no, you are not doing that to yourself." Callie shifts herself into a kneeling position, waving her fingers in my face. " Why wouldn't he want a kid with you. Girl, you should see the way he looks at you. His eyes widen like 70 % and a smile just appears on his face, you're the love of his life, why wouldn't he want a kid with you?" Callie looks at me, astonished. She does, have a point. But in moments like this it's hard not to feel even a little bit worried or anxious.

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