Our New Home

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Sorry for the long wait, lots of summer camps, haha.

Also dedicated to winchesdale!

 Enjoy the chapter!

"HARRY JAMES POTTER, DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" Hermione screamed, storming into the living room where the two boys were playing cards.

They looked up with wide eyes, their cards falling from their hands. 

"'Mione! What's up... duck?" Harry failed at an attempt at being casual.

"Mia...?" Draco coughed, looking a bit scared.

Oh, he'd better be scared, Hermione thought, looking murderous. 

"When were you guys planning to tell me that you guys are wizards?"  Hermione asked, deadly calm.

The boys exchanged amazed looks. 

"How did you find out?" Harry asked anxiously, obviously thinking that one of them had slipped up in front of her. 

Hermione's throat suddenly felt tight. She couldn't say it out loud. It was too... amazing? She was mostly scared, though. What if - what if no one liked her? She had been prancing around her house just minutes ago. What happened to that euphoria?

Draco looked into her eyes, and she knew he would immediately find out. They had a sort of bond that Harry wouldn't be able to understand. It was almost like they had known each other in a past life. 

Many people died, but perhaps the most notable deaths were those of Hermione Smith and Draco Johnson. 

Hermione shook her head in disgust. They had the same names. So? It wasn't... It wasn't like they were the same people. This was only happening because of all the unbelievable and weird things that had taken place in her life an hour earlier. 

"You're a witch, aren't you?" Draco whispered. 

"I - Why didn't you tell me?" Hermione whispered, clenching her teeth. The fact that her best friends in the entire world - her only friends - had kept such a huge secret from her made her shake in fury or sadness, she didn't know.

The friendship between Draco, Hermione and Harry couldn't be classified by words. People often laughingly compared them to three peas in a pod, but there was something even closer that bound them together. Maybe because they had been together for so long, or that it was an unlikely friendship in their neighborhood; girls usually hung out with only girls, and the same with boys.

There must have been a good reason.

"We're not allowed to tell you. I mean.... it goes against the law." Harry tried to defend both of them, but all of them could see that that wasn't the only thing.

"We wanted to tell you. So badly, Mia. But we didn't want to ruin our friendship because of something that you possibly weren't. We would go off to Hogwarts and you would stay here - we would start to drift apart, and we wanted to savor the moments we had with you." Draco explained softly.

Harry screamed.


Hermione and Draco shared a sigh. 

"God, Harry you're so dense - "

" - dumb - "

" - weird - "

" - agreed," Hermione and Draco finished. 

"Rude," Harry muttered.

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