ı 39 ı Break, Don't Smash

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"I've grown familiar with the villains that live in my head."

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I DON'T WANT  to torture Caroline. That was never  the plan. Our plan is to physically and emotionally exhaust her to a point where her humanity-less mind can't take it any more. It sucks but the reality is, going into the state of no humanity is just as bad as trying to get out of it. That's just life. That's what sucks. However, I plan on helping Caroline the whole way through. She deserves that much.

"What kind of emotion is displayed on Stefan's face right now?" I ask Caroline, bending down to her level where she sits on the floor with her hands chained.

Her tired but wild eyes glance over at my twin before returning to mine, an evil smirk on her face. "Not sure. He's kinda like that all the time," she remarks, causing me to smile slightly. Stefan only rolls his eyes, but his facial expression stays constant, proving her point. No matter how Stefan is feeling, he always has this lost, depressed puppy look on his face. He's been that way ever since we were kids. 

"What kind of emotion does Bonnie display right now?" I ask.

"What is this? Some sort of stupid game? I'm not falling for it Blair."

"No game, just a simple activity," I shrug casually, standing up. "Do you know where we are, Caroline?" I raise a brow.

She purses her lips, the wheels clearly spinning in her head as she tries to come up with a sly response. I can tell I've hit a soft spot, but she's too stubborn to admit it. "Hmm?" I ask again, bending down to her level again.

I smirk slightly, the right side of my lips curled upwards in a smile as my blue eyes stare into her enraged ones. "Do you know how your mother died?" I ask. "Do you remember how she went? Slowly, painfully, all while suffering. Hell, you didn't even get to say goodbye to her face. Do you even care?" I sneer, silently hating myself. I don't like what I'm doing, but I need to throw everything I have at her.

"No," she snaps suddenly, thrashing forward but the chains bound to her wrists pull her back. "I don't care."

"You know, I never got to say goodbye to my mom. I know that if I could, I would," I say, staring to the side, not meeting her eyes.

"Good for you. Now could I get a beverage please? Preferably a cold glass of bitter Bennett blood?" Caroline snickers, licking her lips in a mocking way as she peers over my shoulder at Bonnie who stands behind me, leaning against the wall.

"I can get you blood. I'm just not so sure I can get you a cold one, nor a Bennett's," I sigh, pursing my lips before swiftly plunging a small wooden stake shoved up my wrist into Caroline's throat, striking right into her jugular.

She starts choking on her own blood, the red, hot liquid pouring from her mouth and her throat. "Drink up," I say, before ripping the stake out of her throat, the blood pouring at an even faster rate.

In a few seconds she goes completely unconscious, her heart finally letting out a last beat. I drop the stake to the ground before standing up, staring at her dead body that will come back to life in a few minutes. To buy us more time, I snap her neck, wincing at the horrible crack.

"How much time will that buy us?" Bonnie asks, not daring to look at Caroline. I can tell Bonnie doesn't want to be here. It hurts all of us to see Caroline this way.

"About half an hour," I say.

"Okay. I think I'm going to go take a walk. Get some air," she sighs.

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