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Khii's P.O.V

"What is you yelling fo boy!" My grandma said storming into the room. Her eyes widened seeing me holding the picture and she immediately snatched it out my hands.

"Why are you in here?" She asked her voice weary.

I looked up at her and heat flew through my body.

"You told me my dad was dead! You said he left a long time ago and later on died! You said I didn't have any family left besides you! Well what the fuck is that?" I yelled.

I watched her face turn res and she slapped me. "Watch yo mouth lil boy I ain't raised you fo the past few years to hear yo disrespect" she said and left the room.

I followed her out into the kitchen and snatched the photo from her hands. "He is my dad isn't he!" I yell looking at the picture unable to take my eyes off of Mateo.

My favorite dancer? I was related to my favorite dancer?

"He doesn't care about you Khii! He left you" she groaned.

I shook my head. No he didn't.  He seemed so happy with my mom, he smiled when he was with her! His eyes lit up when he was with her! There was no way you can look at somebody like that and then leave.

"He didn't even go to the hospital when you were born Khii. He doesn't know you exist"

Just because he didn't know I existed doesn't mean he didn't want to know. Right?

"You lied to me for 13 years" I said backing away from her. "Why didnt you tell me? Why didn't she tell me? " I could hear my voice become shaky and I could feel tears fill the corners of my eyes.

Dont cry Khii, don't cry.

She snatched the photo out of my hands once again and ripped it in half. "Nooo! Stop" I screamed watching her throw the pieces onto the floor in front of me. "He doesn't care about you. He never did" she said getting all up in my face.

I slapped her and she staggered back so I took that moment to run out the door.  "Khii dont do this!" She yelled after me but I was already gone.

Teo's P.O.V.
Later that day......

"How is my hair fake?" I ask my brother watching him bite into his french frie.

"Not fake, but dead" he said and I rolled my eyes. "But it moves" I argued.

"Ya'll stop yo petty argument. Your acting like teenage girls" our manager Jazzy said and Ayo & I laughed.

We were in the studio that morning about to lay down the demo for Rolex but Ayo had started a petty argument talking about my hair is dead so we've been going back and forth for the last half hour.

"Okay is y'all ready?" Jazzy asked and I pushed my McDonald's away from me and walked over to the mike.

"I'm ready" I said cracking my fingers.

Ayo pushed me out the way and started rapping his verse of the song.

"Blue face rolly red face rolly aye" he sang and I shoved my afro in my face making him move back.

"Eww you got dandrift in my mouth" he said spitting all over the place. "My hair may not be dead but it sure is dirty" I laughed shaking my hair everywhere.

There was a knock at the studio door and Jazzy got out of his seat to see who it was.

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