chpt 13

290 21 1

Khii P.O.V.

"My track sound lit!" I said jumping up and down and Julio laughed. "You did good kid, your dad would be proud"

Jazzy handed me my CD and I took it sliding it in my pocket. "I ain't saying nun cuz he don't want me hanging out wit y'all"

Julio and Jazzy exchanged glances and I shrugged. "Everything that happened wit me and Teo is in the past. And you should let him know that too" Julio said and I just ignored him and left the studio.

"Where was you?" My dad asked when I walked in the house and my uncle Ayo was sitting there with him.

"No where interesting" I lied and then I ran upstairs to my room.

Zoey P.O.V.

"Ouu you got home late!" Khii yelled when I slipped through the kitchen window at 3 in the morning.

"Shut yo as up!" I whisper yelled throwing my hand over his mouth so we wouldn't wake Keo or my dad. "Why are you in my house?" I asked as he picked his afro.

"Cuz I got hungry and yo house always got the munchies. Plus, my dad said we all got a family meeting in the morning so I spent the night here. So uh, you wanna tell me where you was?" He said smirking devilishly.

I rolled my eyes. "I was out with Deja"

His eyes went wide and he dropped the bag of skittles that he had been holding. "You was wit my mom?" He yelled and I threw a glass cup at him and it hit the cabinet shattering everywhere.

*Cough cough* Does this remind you of something? If you were paying good attention to the book you would know what I'm talking about

"What is y'all doing downstairs?" My dad said coming into the kitchen and Khii and I exchanged glances. He was about to answer but I quickly interjected. "Hey dad have you been to the studio in a while? I heard Jazzy found some new kid to manage, I can't remember his name though. Do you know anything about that, Khii?" I smirked and he threw me a glare.

Well what can I say, you gotta know the players to be in the game. "Nah, I didn't hear about him" he replied through clenched teeth then he turned back to Ayo.

"We were just getting a snack, we'll clean up our mess don't worry"

My dad nodded "ight and close the window i don't need no crazy people trying to sneak in the house" he said returning upstairs.

"How did you know about-"

"About what?" I smiled cutting him off mid sentence.

"You mean about you going behind our backs and hanging out with the guy who tried to murder us twice? Oh I don't know I guess I just figured it out" I sneered and Khii got mad.

"Well if you snitch on me I'm gonna tell about you going to see Deja" he threatened and I shrugged.

"Go ahead, its not like Teo still isn't in love with her and plus if you snitch on me I'm gonna tell Teo about that girl you was messing with at the party, she probably gave you an STD" I smirked and Khii's face got red.

"You can't say nothing cuz you snuck out to that party" he tried to fire back.

I shrugged "but I ain't get no disease on my deck did I?" I smiled and Khii grew silent.

"Goodnight, and you better get tested" I smirked blowing my cousin a kiss and then I went upstairs to my room.

He thought he could phase me but I'm Ayleo's daughter so I think tf not.

He thought he could phase me but I'm Ayleo's daughter so I think tf not

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Lmao I made this 😂😂

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