chpt 10

398 31 6

Zoey P.O.V. 

"He is just so annoying!" I yelled into the phone. 

Laci laughed. "He's your brother, that's how they are" 

I just rolled my eyes. That's how they are. Well I have a problem with that. I mean being overprotective is one thing, but ruining my life is another and I'm not okay with that. 

"Hey, a girl at school is having a party tonight so you should come with me" Laci suggested. "Alright, pick me up after I take a shower" I said hanging up the phone and going into the bathroom. 


My dad wasn't there when I got out the shower and neither was Keo so I just slipped out the door and Laci pulled up in the driveway. 

"Keo is gonna get you if he knows you went to a party you know that?" she said and I rolled my eyes. In a way its none of my brother's business as to what I'm doing. "He's probably with Khii anyway so it don't matter" 

We arrived at the party and got out the car walking inside. Almost everyone from school was already there so the place was packed. 

Laci and I walked through the crowd when I felt a hand grab my arm and I looked up to see Nick. "Hi" I smiled. I could tell he was drunk by the way he wouldn't stand still so I backed away a little bit but he wouldn't let go of my arm. 

"I'm just gonna go over there" I said trying not to make a scene and he finally let go and I moved through the crowd of people to the backyard where Keo was standing with some girl. 

I could feel a pain tighten in my chest and I just stood there in shock. So he was with her? I mean it didn't matter but I couldn't help but think, what about me?

But none of this made since I mean he was my brother and nothing more. So why did I feel like I wanted something more. 

"Zoey" a voice I recognized said and I sighed. "Yeah, Khii" I replied not looking at him. I still had my eyes locked on Keo. "You want me to drive you home" he offered and I just shook my head. 

"I'll walk" I answered and walked past him and down the driveway. Things are weird now, like really weird and I don't know what to do or how to deal with it and I don't even have a mom to talk to about it either. 

I stopped on the sidewalk and whipped out my phone getting an idea. The phone rang twice and then they answered. "Auntie Deja can you come pick me up? I need someone to talk to" 

Keo P.O.V

"Aye Keo" Khii said and I looked up from my phone. "Your sister just left" 

My eyes went wide and Khii and I started walking back to the car together. "Where she go?" I ask and Khii shrugged. "Ion know but she seemed upset" 

Zoey P.O.V. 

"So tell me whats going on" Auntie Deja said sitting in front of me in the Diner with Hope on her lap. I sighed "I feel like no one is ever around anymore. I mean my dad is always busy and my mom is gone and then I mean its weird having Keo as my brother and not just my friend" 

"Yeah and now you two can't be together" she said and I nodded. Is this what it was like having a mom? They just understand you so easily and you don't have to even use that many words. 

I played with the zipper on my jacket not looking up. "To be honest its like he's there but he's not available to me and that's worse then him being completely gone"

"Why don't you start thinking of other things? There is a lot other things for you to be doing. Like dancing like Ayo and Teo, why don't you try that?" Auntie Deja asked sipping her coffee. 

"I just haven't thought about anything else lately" I said and she nodded understanding. After we talked for a few more minutes Auntie Deja took me home and when I opened the door Keo was standing there looking at me angrily. 

"Go ahead explain" he said as if I was supposed to give him an answer. "Your not my dad so don't expect me to answer to you" 

I was about to go upstairs but Keo picked me up and dropped me on the floor. "What the heck!" I yelled throwing one of the pillows on the couch at him. 

"I just want to know if you was wit Nick or not. Your my sister I'm supposed to worry about you" 

"But you were my best friend before you were my brother!" I screamed and he stopped and looked at me as if I was insane. 

"I know" he whispered and I could feel the tears slide down my cheeks. 

"Its just so hard" I cried. "Its like your not mine anymore and that is just hard" 

Keo walked over to me slowly and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Its hard for me too" he admitted and I felt a little relieved. 

At least I wasn't the only one who was loosing her mind. "You'll always have me" he said sitting down next to me on the couch. "But you can't be with me the way I want" I said wiping my tears. 

"It doesn't matter" he said. "Because nobody has to know"

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