chpt 16

281 19 3

Alright this story is about to get a little crazy so just letting you guys know now.

Khii P.O.V.

I walked down the street looking at my phone texting Leih she was the girl from the party that I got pregnant.

Well truth be told she had been pregnant for months now. I think 6 months maybe 7 but don't tell anyone I said that.

If I'm being honest I have no feelings for her at all, me hanging out with her was supposed to be a one time thing but now she's gonna have my son so I'm sticking around.

I don't want my son to go through what I did with my dad so I'm going to make sure that I am there for him no matter what.

I was scrolling through my contacts when I found Lacy's number. Lacy, I had liked her for the longest and I was planning on asking her out too but I'm not sure how to do that with everything that's going on.

I dialed her number and she answered on the third ring.

"Hey Khii" she said and it sounded like she had just woke up.

"Hey Lacy you doing anything?" I asked and there was the sound of a sink turning on from her end of the phone.

"Um no, I spent the night at a friend's house last night but I can meet up with you somewhere if you want" she said and I smiled.

"How about the park?" I suggested

"Ight I'll be there in 15 minutes"

She hung up and I walked to the park sitting down on the swing waiting for her and soon she appeared next to me.

"Hey" she smiled sitting down on the swing on my right.

I looked over at her and smiled. She had died her blond hair a dark brown and left the ends go!den. It looked really nice with her skin tone.

"Hi" I replied.

"So, tell me how your life is going. You barely talk to me no more" she said and I sighed.

"Its crazy now. I've been trying to focus on my music but my dad and my uncle are going crazy and then Zoey and me got into this huge fight and so now I'm just confused about everything" I sighed.

"Zoey called me a little earlier, she said that she was gonna go see Deja and she wanted me to meet up with them" Lacy said checking her phone.

"I guess I can't blame her for wanting to be around Deja. Its hard for her to adjust, and it was hard for me at first too but I bad a lot of time. This is still new the whole meeting your dad for the first time thing" I said and Lacy giggled.

"Yeah, but she finally decided to live with Deja. So Deja's gonna get me out the orphanage and the three of us are going to move"

My eyes widened. "Wait your moving!" I half yelled.

Lacy nodded "Yeah but only to Sumerside and that's only like 90 miles away so we'll still technically be in Michigan"

None of those words made me feel any better. She'd be so far away and I wouldn't be able to see her as much.

"I'd miss you Lacy" I told her truthfully.

She smiled "I'd miss you too. Because you have been my friend for a while and I always really liked you, but I thought you liked that Leih girl"

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