season 2 chpt 1

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Kakayo P.O.V.

3 years ago.....

This basically happened before Sam and Julio kidnapped Teo and everything else.

"You know I can't exactly care about you if you left" I tell my mom as she looks at me from behind the glass.

"I didn't leave, you have to believe that" she sighs tears dripping down her cheek.

"But you said everything you did was to protect me, but how is being raised like this protecting me at all?" I asked and she looks down at her fingers crying.

I had enough of this. I got up and she banged on the glass. "Kakayo please!  I didn't want to hurt you!" She screamed but I kept walking and one of the gaurds escorted me out.

The first time I saw my mom and I had to look at her behind a piece of glass. Thats really messed up and it hurts hella much.

I walked down the street of ATL and crossed over to the west side where the orphanage was and I entered. Ms. Susan the lady that owned the orphanage smiled at me. She wasn't like the orphanage owners jn the movies she was actually really nice.

"Any luck?" She asked and I shook my head. "I found her but I just couldn't listen to what she had to say. It was really hard."

Ms. Susan nodded sympathetically.  "At least you tried. Don't be upset though"

I wouldn't say upset would describe how I felt right now. I was mad, disspaointed,  and everything else that comes in between.

"You got any information on my dad?" I asked and she shook her head. "No I have nothing. But there was a lovely couple that came in wanting to adopt you. You could meet them if you'd like"

I nodded "yeah, I guess I could"

I went upstairs and flopped down on my bed and my best friend Zoey walked in and sat on my bed.

"You good?" She asked and I shrugged. "I always thought meeting my mom for the first time would be the best part of my life. But I had to look at her behind a piece of glass I mean why didn't somebody tell me she got arrested? " I asked my voice raising a little.

"I mean I told you that there had to be something wrong if the address they gave you was the city jail-"

"I get it" I sighed rolling my eyes and my phone beeped. It was my YouTube notifications going off. My two favorite dancers had just posted a video.

"Ayee they posted" I said turning on the video and Zoey watched with me.

"Whose that?" Zoey asked pointing to the little boy who was basically like a mini Teo.

"Oh thats Khii, he's Teo's son" I said and Zoey looked at me smiling. "What?" I asked as the video ended.

"You look just like Ayo. I mean the dreads and everything. It would be crazy if that was your dad" she said.

Ayleo Bowles? My dad? Yeahhh.. thats funny. We didn't even have the same last name.

"Nah, I mean there is no way we could be related I mean how would he have met my mom and everything. None of it would make since"

Zoey rolled her eyes "usually I'm never wrong. And if you don't think so then just go and ask your mom what your dad's name is"

I shook my head. I was done chasing after my parents.  And I was done trying to find answers. I was just gonna forget about my past. Its easier that way, I mean if my parents really cared they wouldn't have left me here.

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