chpt 17

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Zoey P.O.V.

"Please let me go!" I screamed as he dragged me through the woods. My arms were tied up and he was dragging me by my hair completely ignoring my pleads.

"You know Zoey, I always really liked you but you were so stubborn and you never gave me the chance. And now my sister is gone" Chris said as he continued to drag me.

"That's not my fault!" I screamed.

"You don't get it Zoey!" His voice thundered. "If I can't have my sister then Keo can't have his"

He put his hand over my mouth to hush my screams and then one hand over my neck and started choking me.

Tears streamed down my cheeks each second I was loosing more and more air and Chris tightened his grip around my neck even more.

And as i sat there unable to breathe and knowing that any second from now i'd be gone i couldn't help but think I wish Keo was here to say me.

Khii P.O.V.

"I wish this hadn't happened" I told Lacy as she clutched TayTay in her arms.

She just smiled "its okay, I'll help you take care of him if you want"

I nodded "I'd really like that"

2days later.....

I sat on the couch watching t.v. with Keo while TayTay was upstairs sleeping.

"You haven't heard from Zoey?" He asked me and I shook my head.

He sighed.

I knew he was probably worried about her because I was too. I know her and I had that huge fight but I still care about her.

The t.v. show we were watching got interrupted by a news report that came on. Apparently it was a breaking news information thing.

"This just in, Zoeyella Anderson's body was found this morning in a river near the Michigan hospital. Police say the teen was dragged into the wood's and choked to death. Authorities are still unsure of who exactly is responsible for this crime but they are still searching the evidence. If you have any information on this please call crime line"

The news report went off and I looked at Keo who's eyes were red and puffy. He was crying and I had never seen him cry before.

"Keo-" I said but he shook his head and got up walking out the door.

I could feel the tears coming too. I just couldn't believe this. Why was everything falling apart the way it was?

Keo P.O.V.

He thinks I don't know it was him? Chris, I know it was. He thinks I'm stupid like the police and that oh just cuz I don't have the "evidence" that I don't know who did it?

Well guess what I do know.

I pulled up outside his house and looked through the windows, he was home sleeping in his room.

I pulled a match out and lit it dropping it at the front door and I continued lighting matches until his house was covered in them and their was no way out.

I heard the screams and I heard the neighbors yelling and I heard the firetrucks coming down the street but I didn't care. I just walked away casually as if nothing had ever happened.

I returned home late that night and Khii was sleeping on the couch with Lacy wrapped in his arms. I just carried myself upstairs and went to sleep not wanting to ever wake up.

Please somebody just wake me up from this nightmare.

Khii P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning and walked into the kitchen where Ayo and my dad were standing talking about something.
"You guys aren't upset about Zoey?" I asked.

None of them had even talked about her death or anything. It was as if they were pretending she wasn't gone and that's messed up.

"We are upset Khii, but we have to move on" My dad sighed and I shook my head.

"Y'all just gonna leave her like that!" Keo's voice yelled startling me.

He was holding a gun to my dad's head and we all froze.

"Keo out the gun down" my dad told him.

"She was my sister! And your just gonna pretend like everything is good?"

"Keo put the gun down" I told him.

His hand started shaking and I watched him tighten his finger around the trigger.

"Keo!" I yelled lunging for the gun and I pushed him but the gun went off and the noise echoed through the house waking up TayTay and Lacy.

"What are you guys doing!" Lacy screamed and she walked into the kitchen to see Ayo laying on the floor dead. A bullet straight through his head.

"Keo I'm going to kill you I swear! You think I'm playing!" Mateo yelled and I held him back.

"Dad stop!" I said and TayTay began crying so Lacy went to get him. I could see the tears in her eyes and i don't blame her for crying either.

First Zoey now my dad and before them it was Sam. Why does everybody have to die?

I heard police sirens outside and I assumed that the neighbors had called the cops.

"Keo Run!" I told him and he looked at me as tears slid down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry" he whispered to me.

"Keo go run!" I yelled still holding my dad away from him because he was ready to kill him.

One of the police officers started banging on the door and I looked at Keo who turned and walked to the back door. He glanced at me one last time before taking off and my dad shoved me to the ground.

"Why'd you let him get away!" He yelled at me and I shook my head. "He killed my brother Khii!"

"Dad you don't get it! I'm sorry he killed your brother but Keo is my brother and you always said family sticks together"

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