chpt 8

436 33 16

Khii's P.O.V.

If you thought Khii was dead please neck yourself. 

I opened my eyes and glanced around the room. Keo was missing but my mom, Ayo, and Zoey were in the corner talking quietly except for Ayo who was definitely alive but he was quiet and he was looking around the room in a daze. I thought about what happened earlier and I banged my head against the wall. I didn't want to remember. 


"I'm the character that just does not die" my grandma whispered and I kept my eyes on the gun in her hand. Keo pushed me back and I could tell he wanted to protect me but I could protect myself.

I watched her hold the gun up at Zoey and I immediately jumped in front of the  bullet but then something surprised me. She turned her hand around and held the gun to her own head and he pulled the trigger. 

The bang was so loud I held my hand over my ears as they rung and Lacy ran but Keo just stood there in shock as if he couldn't believe it.  I knew she was an insane person but I mean that doesn't mean I wanted to watch her die. 

End Flashback

I brushed the thought out of my head and sighed. I didn't want to think about it so I paid my attention to where we were, I didn't know where. It could be a basement i mean it was dark and there was stairs leading up to a door but i couldn't figure out exactly where I was. 

The door swung open and Julio stepped in holding Hope in his arms. She didn't seem hurt which was a good thing.  "Why did you take us?" Zoey whimpered. 

Julio ignored her question and threw a plate of food at me. "Eat that or starve" he said and left. I kicked the food away without even looking at it. Where was my dad? Why was this happening again?

I scooted over towards Ayo and looked at him. "You good?" I asked and he shrugged and i took notice of the bullet in his arm. "It doesn't hurt" he assured me when he caught me looking at his shoulder.

"Do you know where my dad is?" I asked and he shook his head. "Julio doesn't want us he only wants Deja, Hope, and Teo" he spoke as if it was no big deal but he had always been that way. No fear. 

"Why though I mean we didn't-"

"Hope is Julio's baby okay Khii! Deja just never told your dad and the only reason that Jazzy turned on us is because Teo killed Sam and that was his daughter alright!" Ayo yelled and I looked at my mom and she started crying. 

"Why didn't you tell him I mean your his brother!" i yelled back and Ayo laughed. 

"This drama is all your mom's fault. When Teo comes to get us I'm getting my son and my daughter and were leaving" 

Short update I know but I gotta go! I will try to update tomorrow and if I don't then don't worry i will be updating at least every week. How is school going by the way?

My Son Changed My LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang