chpt 14

695 60 31

Teo P.O.V.

I woke up at 10 in the morning and Sam and Ayo was still asleep so I got up and slid on my slides. I was still a little wobbly on my feet and still a little tired but I needed some air and I needed to see Deja and Khii and make sure they was okay.

I walked down the hallway peeking inside rooms and finally found Khii. He was awake in his hospital room l laying on his phone but when he saw me he immediately threw his bed sheets over his head trying to hide from me.

This kid, he needs to learn how to be sneaky like I legit watched him put the covers over his head so how he gonna pretend to be sleep?

"Boi get up" I said tearing the sheets off his head and he turned his back to me. But I guess I kinda deserve that for taking him back.

"Khii I'm sorry, okay?" I said reaching for his arm and he bit me. "Ow!" I said wincing in pain.

"Go away" he said.

"And what if I don't? "

"Then I'm gonna call a nurse in here and tell em your harassing me" he smirked.

Wow. Looks like someone was holding a grudge.

"What did I even do to you?" I asked eager for him to talk to me. He sat up and turned to face me.

"You were mean to me when I first arrived at your house, you forced me to go to school, you brung me back to live with my grandma and cuz of that I got shot!" He yelled.

"And I'm sorry for all of that, except for the school thing cuz you need an education" I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"All I wanted was to find my dad and when I did you acted like you were disappointed to even know I was alive" Khii said looking at me with hurt in his eyes.

"Khii I wanna be in you and yo momma's life why can't you just believe me?" I ask trying to hug him but he pushed me away.

"Every time you go into somebody's life you mess it up" he wimpered about to start crying again.

Maybe he was right. But things didnt start getting messed up until I turned my back on family and my dad taught me never to do that so many this was karma.

"Khii I love you though" I said my voice softer than before. He just shook his head and layed back down on the bed "I don't want yo love. I got my momma's"

I'm not gonna lie that really hurt. I thought j could just come in here and apologize but this kid really don't won't my pitty ass apology. He wants a father and I guess I ain't the one.

I opened the curtain that divided the other half of Khii's hospital room and I saw Deja sitting there next to the window silently.

She was so beautiful. She had long black hair and some nice blue eyes and sun bathed skin. I couldn't believe I had ever let her go.

"You heard didn't chu?" I sighed sitting in front of her.

She nodded. "You can't expect him to accept you into his life you know. I mean you did leave him"

"Deja I came back for you" I said reaching for her hand but she pulled away.

"I ain't talking about me. I'm talking about our son, and you LEFT him" she said raising her voice growing a little irritated.

Was she really gonna pick a fight right now? I came here for her so why she gotta act like she don't care bout me no mo?

"I told him I was sorry. And you left him too, I mean the whole pretending to be dead thing probably scarred him fo life!" I yelled and she slapped me.

"You really think I got locked in an attic for the past 2 years getting beat by my own mom when I'm an adult was my idea of fun? You haven't changed have you" she exclaimed tearing up. "It use to always be about you. You never stopped and made sure anybody was okay, you never held my hand through the fire you just left. Your supposed to be the water Teo. Your supposed to put out the flames but instead you were the one lighting them and how can I ever forgive you for that?"

Deja was completely in tears now and I could feel my heart shatter. I just wanted to hold her and tell her it was okay but she just wanted me to leave.

"Deja I didn't know you wanted me to stay. You told me to go on tour so I did I didnt know you needed me."

Deja began to sob so I pulled her into my chest and she fought me a little but I wouldn't let go and eventually she stopped trying to pull free and just let me hug her.

"I will never ever leave you again just let me in your life" I whispered into her ear.

" I'm sorry but there is no more us. You just need to be there for Khii"

There is no more us.

Those words burned into my heart and for the first time during all of this I started to cry.

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