chpt 18 Finale

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Khii P.O.V.

2years later....

"He's walking now" Lacy smiled looking at TayTay who was walking but he would fall down every now and then.

I laughed and Lacy just smiled.

It had been 2 years and now i was 20. I moved out my dad's house and I got my own and Lacy lives with me and were engaged.

We've both been doing pretty good I'd say. I haven't talked to my dad in a long time and I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me so I leave him alone.

The doorbell rang and Lacy answered it revealing my mom who walked in with Hope.

Hope was 7 now and she was going to be 8 soon.

"Hi" my mom waved and Hope came and gave me a hug.

"TayTay looks so cute!" My mom cooed and I laughed. Of course he was cute I mean after all he was my son.

"What's his real name again?" Hope asked.

"Tayan, but were gonna call him TayTay as a nickname" Lacy answered making me smile.

"So everything is good with you after all the drama?" My mom asked and I nodded.

Things could be better of course. I mean I miss Zoey and Keo and Ayo but I'm okay. I'm just hanging in there right now.

Keo P.O.V.

"You was my little sister and I was in love with you" I whispered staring at the grave.

"And I'm sorry I wasn't the best brother to you, and I'm sorry I killed our dad and I'm definitely sorry that I ain't been doing anything special with my life except running from the cops but I want you to know not a day goes by that I don't think about you. And everyday I miss you even more, and I'm still being haunted by the fact that your gone. But I want you to know that no matter what I love you, and I'm so sorry" tears slid down my cheeks and I stood up and left the graveyard.

I miss you Zoey, but your in a better place now and I'm gonna try to do good things with my life. I promise.

Mateo P.O.V.

I stood up in front of my brother's grave and sighed.

"I swear I miss you" I whispered and I walked down the path of the graveyard and stopped at another grave. Sam's.

This was the first time I had visited her grave since I shot her and I guess I shouldn't be here but I know that I owe her an apology.

"I should've picked you, I should've chosen you and I didn't. Even if you kidnapped Khii, I know that you never would've killed him because I knew you loved him and I knew you loved him because he was my son. And I'm sorry I never told you I loved you but I'm sure you knew. You weren't the first girl I was in love with but you were the last and I will never love another girl the way I love you because you were one of a kind and you've scarred my heart. I hope that wherever you are, your thinking about me because I'm thinking about you and that's something I want you to know"

The tears slid down my cheeks and I sighed. Man I missed her I really did. I wish I could rewind.

I stood up and walked out of the graveyard as more tears fell down my cheeks and my phone beeped. I looked at it and it was Deja she had sent me pictures of TayTay.

I smiled at the fact that I was a grandpa and I promised myself that I would go and see TayTay one day but I'm not sure when because me and Khii weren't really on speaking terms right now.

But as I walked out the graveyard that day I thought to myself

Wow, my son really changed my life.
And I ain't eva wanted my life to move so fast. I wanted to dance and go on tour but then Khii became my son so everything changed.

The end!
Omg I'm about to cry (but I'm not going to cuz I hate crying) but anyways a big thank you to everybody who stood by me since day one when I made this book. I started writing this book back in June and now its December and I'm finished with it.

This was my favorite book ever! And now that I've finished with it I'm so happy and sad at the same time because I really enjoyed writing this story.

But big thank you to everyone who was there when I published that first chapter of this book! You know who you are

And thank you to those who read this book all the way to the end.

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