chpt 22

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Deja P.O.V.

"Hello" I cooed answering my phone. "Mom Ayo tried to blow us up! " Khii yelled and my eyes went wide.

"What the heck!  What did he do?" I asked and Teo looked up at me raising his eyebrows.

"He tried to warm up his pizza but he put a metal fork in with it and the microwave almost exploded" Khii said and Ayo started laughing in the background.

I rolled my eyes. These idiots. They are legit trying to murder my son.

"Put Ayo on the phone" I said and there was some rustling in the background and then Ayo's voice greeted me.

"If you kill my son I will cut off all your dreads and glue them onto your eyebrows" I threatened and he just laughed.
"Ight bye" he said handing up the phone.

Teo looked for an explanation and I just sighed. "Your brother has mental issues" was all I said as we walked down the boardwalk and stood by the railing.

"I feel bad sometimes" Teo said and I looked over at him but he didnt make eye contact at me he just looked down. "Why?" I asked and he let out a long sigh.

"Cuz Khii is my son and I guess it just hurts knowing that I wasn't around when he was little. I've only known he's existed for the last year and a half and that just hurts"

I guess I had never really considered how Teo was feeling through all of this. Instead I had just been yelling at him and getting upset when none of this was his fault. I mean its my fault he didnt know about Khii and Teo had reacted the right way I mean its not like he was just gonna be like "hello son I've been expecting you" when Khii showed up at his door.

"You shouldn't feel bad I mean ya you missed alot but it's my fault for not saying nothing" I said and he wrapped me in a hug.

I swea i missed his hugs. I missed everything about him.

"I love you" he whispered in my war and a tear slid down my cheek. "I love you too" I replied.

Khii's P.O.V.

Ayo tried to kill me.

He almost blew up th microwave and then when Jazzy said he had to make a phone call Ayo volunteered to drive and he almost drove us into a river.

So after that I decided  to write out my "Will" but I didnt have much to write since I didn't have any money. I mean I am only 14 so I rely on my parents for money.

"Yo Khii what chu thinking bout?" Julio asked sitting in front of me at the tour bus table.

I shrugged "nothing but I'm still kinda shocked that I saw Sam the other day. Like it was weird"

It really wasn't that weird cuz she could've just been hanging with her friends and then we just happened to bump into her but I mean why wasn't she back in Michigan. I mean its none of my business but I'm curious.

"Oh, she was just visiting friends. I talked to her the other day, and then she also came to see Teo but then I told her he was back home" Julio said as if it was nothing.

Sam wants to be with my dad. But who does he want to be with?

Its a short chapter cuz I gotta go charge this phone but hope ya like.

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