chpt 3

455 34 8

Keo P.O.V.

I slid off the roof and Khii followed. I had told him to stay but je had insisted on coming to help me find Zoey.

I didn't need help though.

"You gonna get yo self in trouble" I told Khii as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Nah I ain't. My dad knows I'm fine I mean I'm too old to get kidnapped again"

This dude got kidnapped before? Dang looks like my dad ain't the only one who hasn't been doing his job very well cuz Teo hasn't either.

I dialed Zoey's number and she picked up. "Where are you?" I asked as soon as she answered.

"At my house. Where are you?" She said with an attitude. She's so annoying and sassy like honestly does she not realize the only reason I agreed to come here was to find her. The hell wit my dad I came here for Zoey.

"I'm looking for you now just give me your address" I said growing frustrated.

"Fine, but dont come here and try to get me to leave or nothing cuz I'm not leaving" she replied and I just hung up.

She texted me the address and surprisingly it was just down the street. So Khii and I followed the GPS on my phone and arrived outside the house and Malley really wasnt kidding when she said that they got adopted by a rich woman because this house was huge!

"Stay out here I'll be back" I told Khii but he shook his head.

"I almost died slipping off a roof for you, theres no way I'm staying out here. If you my family then we sticking together" he said and together we rang the doorbell.

A tall brown skinned woman answered the door. She was dressed all fancy in a red pants suit and she seemed to be at least in her 50s so not too old.

"May I help you?" She asked politely. Dang she even talked like a rich lady.

"Yeah um, I came to see Zoey" I said and she nodded and jestured for us to come inside.

"She is upstairs. You may go see her" she said and Khii and I walked up the spiral staircase.

We stopped at the first door where there was a pink letter Z on the first door.

I knocked and it opened and Zoey stared back at me. She was so beautiful. She had long dark brown hair that she had straightened and deep brown eyes.

She seemed to be much more grown up now and so much more mature.

"Hi" Zoey smiled and moved so we could come in.

"Dang this room huge" Khii admired walking around.

I sat on Zoey's bed and she sat next to me and looked at me waiting for me to speak.

"I'm sorry for leaving Zoey. It was selfish and I didn't even get anywhere by leaving cuz I ended up right back in the orphanage and-"

"I'm not mad anymore" she said cutting me off mid sentence.

"So were good? And you'll come and leave this place and-"

"Wait Keo slow down"she said stopping me. "I'm not leaving, I told you that. This is my home now and I really love it here"

I looked at her unsure of how to find words. She loves it here? I mean yeah I could see how she does but I'm more important than all the money in the world.

"I'm your best friend though" I said grabbing her hand and she stared at me.

"Yeah but where would I even go Keo? I mean we were in an orphanage and I'm not going back" she whispered not looking at me as she spoke. "You need to just be with your dad" she said and she pushed me out the door.

"Zoey wait" I said.

"Keo your my best friend but I think you need to go" she sighed shutting the door.

I sighed and a tear slid down my cheek and Khii walked down the hallway eating cookies and he looked at me. "Need some band aids?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and we left.

"What were you doing while I was talking to Zoey?" I asked as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Talking to Lacy. I got her number" he said and a car pulled up in front of us and the window rolled down.

"Run!" I yelled to Khii.

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