chpt 5

875 71 62

Khii P.O.V.

I imagined meeting my dad for the first time being amazing. I mean I had spent an hour trying to find out where he lived (which wasn't hard cuz all you gotta do is type his name in the Google search bar).

I guess I shouldn't have just showed up on his porch and was like "im your son" but how do you greet a dad you've never met?

Idk! I mean you've never met him.

A week ago if I got to meet Mateo I'd be like "oh my gosh im a big fan" but that was back when Mateo was just a dancer. Today he is my dad and he doesn't even seem to be proud of that.

I watched Teo stand up and run upstairs away from me clearly upset or annoyed I couldn't tell.

"Want a sandwich? " ayo asked trying to ease the tension of the situation.  I nodded and sat down at the table.

"What kind of sandwich do you want?" He asked opening up the fridge. "I like salami, turkey, white cheese, and shredded lettuce" I said and he took out all the ingredients.

"Teo doesn't like me does he?" I asked. I was expecting Ayo to be like "oh no he does" but I didnt need anybody to sugar code it for me. I can tell when i'm not wanted, why do you think I ran out the door of my grandma's house this morning?

"Its not that he doesn't like you its that he is still young so its alot to take in. Like, your 13 so thats insane for him to know he hasn't known about you for your entire life" Ayo handed me my sandwich and I bit into it.

Good sandwich not gonna lie.

"But thats not my fault that he didnt know about me. I mean my mom never told me about him" I said in defense.

Ayo shrugged "that's yo momma's fault"

I guess it was. But at the same time I had never asked about my dad so it was my fault too. Or maybe it was my grandma's fault for telling me he was dead after my mom's funeral. I didn't even ask she just said "yo daddy is dead and now yo mom is too"

She rude ik ik.

"Why did he even leave?" I asked remembering my grandmother's words. "He wasn't even there when you were born"

"I really don't want to get into this with you. I think Teo needs to explain this to you not me" he said heading upstairs.

"You coming?" He asked.


He smiled "did you really think I was gonna tell you to go home at 12 in the morning?" He asked rhetorically. "You can sleep in my room"

Next morning
Teo's P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs the next morning to see Khii sitting on the counter putting peanut butter on his waffles.

Why didnt this kid go home? Like dang am I gonna have to throw him out the door cuz I will if I have to.

"Ayo!" I yell. "Nuh uh, dats yo son" he yelled back coming down the stairs.

I looked at Khii who just stared at me. "Okay kid well im heading to the studio so your gonna be here alone" I said putting my phone in my pocket.

He smirked "okay, I guess i'll just order a pizza and invite some girls over and-"

"Nope, get yo ass in the car" Ayo said before Khii could finish his sentence.

Was this punishment?  Like what did i ever do to deserve this?

We got out the car and walked inside the studio but I stopped at the door seeing 2 girls outside. I smiled and walked up to them and they blushed.

"You a fan?" I asked. They both nodded.

"You know im currently single so-"

"Hi! Im Khii" Khii said wedging his head under my arm. "I'm Mateo's son. Would one of you like to be my step mommy cuz that's the road your going down by talking to Teo"
The girls laughed and walked in the opposite direction.

"What the heck is up wit chu!" I yelled pushing him. He staggered back and looked at me innocently.

"Why did you show up here? Why did you come and try to but into my life? I dont want anything to do with you,  and you ain't my son" I yelled annoyed.

He looked at the ground and started screaming at me "Well excuse me for trying to find my dad! I figured if anybody would care about me it would be you!"

I put my face in my hands and sighed. "Look I could never be able to take care of you! Thats why I left Deja in the first place"

I looked at Khii's face flush red and I realized I shouldn't have said anything.

"You knew I existed? But you left?"

My Son Changed My LifeWhere stories live. Discover now