chpt 2

475 37 22

Ayo's P.O.V.

Teo invited Kakeo inside and I sat on the couch and Kakeo sat across from me and then Khii and Teo sat down too.

"This is lit, I got a cousin" Khii said and Kakeo laughed.

I shook my head unsure of what to say. This isn't happening.  This has to be a prank I bet Teo is just pranking me.

"So how old are you?" Teo asked.

Kakeo cleared his throat. "I'm 16" he said and i shook my head and Teo bust out laughing.

"Ha! Its your turn bitc" he said jumping up and down and then he started laughing hysterically. I'm about to hit him i swea.

"Whose your mom?" I asked.

Kakeo played with the sting on his shorts. "Amber I think her name was" he said thinking.

I chuckled "so you come in here saying your my kid but you dont know who your mom is?"

"Well I mean she's in jail and plus I shouldn't have to explain myself to you! You should explain to me why I was in an orphanage for 16 years without you.  You know some freaks almost killed me cuz I was your son? And you know I had to go to juvy for a year cuz I got caught on the street without parents! So you explain to me where you were!" He yelled his cheeks flushing red.

I sighed and walked upstairs leaving them down in the living room. I flopped down on my bed and thought for a second. Amber?

"Hi!" Hope giggled crawling into my room. She was the cutest thing I swea.

I picked her up and set her down on my lap and she smiled at me. "You sad?" She asked in her little baby voice.

I shook my head. "No I'm confused"
Hope nodded. "Wats dat mean?" She asked and I just laughed.

"Its like you don't know how to feel or how to think" I said. She just shrugged, she probably didn't understand but she was hella smart for a 3 year old.

"Sorry is she bothering you?" Deja asked walking into the room and Hope crawled towards her and jumped in her arms.

I shook my head "nah, life is bothering me"

Deja sat next to me on the bed and looked at me. "Well talk" she said.

"I got a son. But at the same time I don't understand this I mean I don't know what happened"

Deja nodded. "You know he's yours for sure? Or do you got doubt?"

I shook my head. "He's mine, but I just don't understand all this"
Deja smiled. "You don't have to understand just tell him so he does" she said kissing my cheek and grabbing Hope and leaving.

I mean, I always kind of wanted a son but this still dont make no since to me. He's 16? When tf did all this start?

Author: obviously 16 years ago.....

Ayo: shut up this is my P.O.V.

Author: w.e I write yo lines so don't forget that Mr. Reverse

Teo's P.O.V.

"Well you can sleep in Khii's room till we get this figured out" I said and Khii looked all happy cuz he had a cousin. Keo followed Khii to his room and I went to mine and shut the door.

"Your enjoying all this too much ain't chu?" Deja said blow drying her hair cuz she just got out the shower.

"I mean personally I think Ayo needs this. After all he did the same to me and not only that but a child makes you more responsible" I said and Deja rolled her eyes.

"Yeah your responsible" she mumbled putting sweat pants and a t-shirt on.

I rolled my eyes and layed down next to Hope who was sleeping with her butt up in the air.

Lmao when you guys were little didnt you sleep like that? Cuz I got hella pictures of me sleeping like dat.

Deja climbed in the bed next to me and sighed. "You should just be nice to Ayo, this is the only drama we need right now"

I thought about the phone call from Julio I had gotten yesterday. Could he really be coming back?

"Julio called" I said and Deja looked up at me surprised.

"What he say?" She asked startled.

There was a big boom and a crash and we raced out the room and followed the sound to Khii's room.

"What was that?" I asked looking around the room at the open window amd then i looked for Khii but he was no where in sight. Neither was Keo.

This was a kind of boring chapter but its just a filler cuz Ik you wanted an update

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