chpt 10

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Khii P.O.V.

My dad just stood there motionless. I didnt know what to say or do. Ayo scooted me away from him and he looked at Teo.

"Teo, its okay" he said trying to comfort him but Teo backed away from him shaking his head and mumbling under his breath.

"Dude don't be immature about this-" Ayo began but Teo picked up a glass and threw it at him.

Ayo ducked and it hit the cabinet shattering sending pieces everywhere.  "YOU ALWAYS GOTTA TELL ME WHAT I SHOULDN'T DO, DONT YOU! WELL GUESS WHAT, YOU AIN'T FEELING WHAT I AM AND YOU AIN'T GOING THROUGH WHAT I AM SO YOU CAN SHUT THE HELL UP AYO!!" my dad yelled scaring me.

I had never seen him so angry before. And I had started to believe this was my fault.

Maybe I should've never come here. But my intentions were good, I just wanted to meet my dad and get some answers. I never meant to hurt him like that but he had to find out mom was dead sooner or later.

My dad stormed upstairs and slammed his door and Ayo sighed unsure of what to do. So I left him alone and went to the room that I had shared with Ayo and sat down on the bed.

I had gotten sent home on purpose that day. I always got sent home on purpose. School was boring and the kids picked on me, but today when I walked in everybody wanted to be nice to me cuz they knew I was Mateo's son.  And it got annoying so I sent the stink bomb off.

I guess I just liked being by myself. When my mom died I started getting sent home like 3 times a week. The pastor was right. He told me not to num myself from the world but I had.

I had num myself from people and from feelings but then when I met my dad I started feeling feelings again.

Like I would cry, or I would smile and just knowing my dad existed made me feel different then I had felt in the last 2 years.

But it wasn't fair for me to throw my problems at my dad just because I needed help healing myself.

I layed down on the bed and cried. I cried until my eyes were dry and then I just layed there, alone.

"Khii get up" my dad said shaking me. I looked up at his tear stained face and then I looked at the car keys in his hands.

"Whats going on?" I ask.

"I'm taking you back to be with your grandma"

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