chpt 4

850 73 31

Teo's P.O.V.

"Ayo if you don't stop jumping on my bed I am going to beat yo ass" I say rolling over onto my stomach.

"Its not Ayo its Khii" I sat up and saw that little kid from instagram jumping on my bed. He smiled at me and did a backflip.

"Do you have food here?" He asked jumping off my bed and running down the hallway. I got up and chased after him. "Wait what are you doing in my house?"

"Teo! Teo!" My brother yelled slapping me awake. I looked around my room as sweat poured down my forehead. "Whats going on?" I ask looking at Ayo who was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You was yelling in yo sleep so I woke you up" he said getting up and walking down the hallway.

I got up and walked after him. "You and your stupid Khii dude are messing with my head" I said pulling my hair.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed an apple from the fridge. "All I said was he looked like you, so don't blame your weird dreams on me"

I shook my head and turned to walk upstairs but rhe doorbell rang. I opened it up to see Khii standing there on the porch.

"Ahhh!" I yelled slamming the door.

He's not really there. He's not really there.

Ayo gave me a strange look and opened the door inviting Khii inside the house.

Ayo's P.O.V.

I know it's weird for a 13 year old to show up at your house at 11 o'clock at night but something told me it wasn't a coincidence he was here.

I invited Khii inside and he walked in looking around and when his eyes fell onto Mateo he stopped nervously.

"Your my dad!" He yelled and Teo looked at Khii like he was insane.

"I have like so many questions, like why did you leave and why did you not show up when I was born and what happened between you and my mom and-"

"Kid slowly down" Teo said and Khii looked at him surprised.

"I am not your dad" Teo said jn a harsh tone.

I watched them unsure of what to say. I mean what are you supposed to tell some random kid that claims to be your brothers son?
Its not like you can tell him to get lost or tell him he's insane cuz the kid is 13.

"But you are my dad. We even look alike" Khii said and then went to stand directly in front of Mateo.

"We have the same eyes"

"Mines are browner"

"We have the same skin color"

"Mine is lighter"

"We have the same hair"

"Mine is puffier"

"We have the same face"

"Mine is better looking"

I rolled my eyes and pushed them apart. "Teo you need to stop wit that petty shii you trying to pull" I said annoyed by my little brother.

I turned to Khii and he just looked at me a bit sideways.

"Whose your mom?" I asked figuring his answer would solve this problem.

"Deja Tally" he said and Teo dead fell to the floor.

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