Russian Roulette - Iceland

89 3 0

Iceland x Reader


'Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself he said to me.
If you play, you play for keeps
Take the gun and count to three.'

He sitting opposite me at the table. Nothing being shown but I could tell that it had his adrenaline pumping. I placed the gun in the middle of the table. One of my hands was occupied by his hand, the other was on the table. He's just took his first go. I'm eyeing the gun on the table. A silence fell over us as we both stared at the gun.

"Take a breath (Y/N). Take a deep breath and calm yourself it's just a game." he said cooly. The sort of thing strangely enticed me. If I played right now then it's a shot to the death. It's either I get to keep my life or Emil get's to keep his life. I took the gun and counted to three in my head.

'I'm sweating now,
Moving slow,
No time to think,
My turn to go'

I could feel myself sweating. It felt like was I was moving so slow. I can't think about this. The more I think the more I'll want to chicken out. I put it to my head and pulled the trigger. It clicked but there was nothing. He took his turn again. Nothing just the click of the barrel. It's an automatic gun so it reloads itself.

'And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest.
Said I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
I know that I must pass this test
So, just pull the trigger'

I picked up the gun and I swore he could hear the rapidly beating heart caged in my ribcage. He wouldn't be surprising if he could see it. So I decided to voice my thoughts. "I'm terrified but I'm not leaving." I voiced my finger was itching to pull the trigger. As I put it to my temple, I knew that I must pass this test. I pulled the trigger anticipating my quick death. My eyes never left his but I heard the click.

'Say a prayer to yourself
He says 'close your eyes, sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he's here - means he's never lost'

He took the gun and placed it to his head but nothing happened. He's not dead. I decided to say a quick prayer to satan to let him know that I'm going to hell. I picked up the gun and placed it to my head. I could feel my hand shaking. "Close your eyes, sometimes it helps." he spoke up in his velvety voice. I'll miss that when I'm gone or he's gone.

A thought crosses my mind one that scared me and sent chills down my spine. He told me he played before as a laugh but that means if he's here he's never lost. He's never lost a single game. I pulled the trigger and nothing happened.

'And you can see my heart beating.
No, You can see it through my chest.
Said I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
Know that I must pass this test.
So, just pull my trigger'

He took his time knowing full well that it was making my heart speed up so much. He could see it in a minute. If I didn't die from this then I'm going to die from a heart attack or too much adrenaline. Even though I'm terrified, I'm not leaving this game. I know that I must pass this test. After his shot was over, I took the gun straight from him and put it to my temple. We must've had a dozen shots at least. Before I could hesitate and back out, I pulled the trigger only to hear the faint click and the only reassurance that I'm not dead.

'As my life flashes before my eyes
I'm wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won't get the chance to say good-bye
But its too late to think of the value of my life.'

As he moved the gun to his head, my life flashed before my eyes literally. I know how people feel now. The day where I first met him, he introduced me to the other nordics. The day he asked me to be his, the day I agreed. There was one in particular he looked like he was going to ask me something but then Lukas interrupted us. I wonder if I'll see another sunrise back home again even though it's nothing much. Many people who play this stupid game won't be able to say good bye to their loved ones. It's too late to think about how much my life is worth.

'And you can see my heart beating.
No, You can see it through my chest.
Said I'm terrified but I'm not leaving no
know that I must pass this test.
You can see my heart beating.
Oh, You can see it through my chest.
I'm terrified but I'm not leaving no
know that I must pass this test.'

Now I'm convinced that my heart is visible with how hard it's beating against my chest. The nerves are making me shake. I'm suffocating sobs. Emil looks at me with such uncertainty. He knew how the ending would go. He's just waiting for me to say the words. Say three little words. Make it stop. I don't want the satisfaction that would be my fear knowing that I'm scared of death. My fear doesn't need me to boost it's ego. The look in his eyes tells me there's still a question waiting to be asked and answered. I just pray that the question was just as simple as do you love me. Even if we have been together for 5 years, we still question each other on whether we love each other and how much.

I'm going to miss those questions. I'm going to miss everything. I let go off his hand as soon as I got the gun. I knew this was the end. This was goodbye.

'So, just pull the trigger....'

I pulled the trigger but before I did, I was tackled to the ground and the bullet went through the beam in the roof. I opened my eyes only to be staring into tear filled amethyst ones. I was pulled into a hug by Emil. He was a blubbering mess. There was a chorus of feet running down the steps before we were joined by the other 4 Nordics.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't of said yes to the stupid game. I could've lost you and then I wouldn't know what to do with my life. Even if I asked you the dumb question like I was supposed to 2 years ago, you would've said no. I should've stopped the game before it was too late. I can't loose you not after everything we've done together." he bawled. Everyone looked shocked.

"Emil you know my answer would've most likely of been yes. Tell me the question." I said wiping away his tears.

"We've known each other since were were tiny little kids, I fell in love with you at first sight. When I was away from you for only a few hours my heart would hurt because I knew I couldn't have you. That time when you was in that car crash, I couldn't think to myself what I would've done if you were gone. I wouldn't of coped. Hell I can't cope when you are gone and the licorice has run out. I know that it's no longer a question that needs to be said. It's more of a demand. A demand that you can't back away from but even if you do, I'll forgive you because one of these days it will happen. I just know that you would've said yes. I just don't want to let you go for the entirety of my life. Lukas will help me by making a potion to make you immortal. I just want to share my forever with you." he said sounding so angry with himself but he calmed down.

He leaned close to me and kissed me. I felt him put something on my finger. I only knew it could be a ring. The kiss was passionate and one that told me he was being serious. Hell when isn't Icey serious.

He pulled back and whispered two words against my lips.

"Marry. Me."

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