Not In That Way - Iceland

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Iceland x One sided! Male! Reader ft. OCs of mine


'And I hate to say I love you
When it's so hard for me
And I hate to say I want you
When you make it so clear
You don't want me'

You had sat with Tobias the other student that you found out was gay. It seemed like everyone had a girlfriend and no one was interested in another male. It was just you and Tobias although you had suspicions about Emil. You hated to say I love you. It was so hard for you to even mutter those three words. You hated to say that you wanted him. He made it so clear that he didn't want you.

'I'd never ask you 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say
You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way." '

You never asked him out because you were certain. Something deep down inside of you was certain that you knew what he would say to you. You could just envisage the words coming from his mouth. "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way." that's what he would say to you with a look of sympathy and pity. It was brotherly love that he had for you.

"And I hate to say I need you
I'm so reliant
I'm so dependent
I'm such a fool"

You and Emil were best of friends. Completely there for each other like Tobias was for you. You hated to say that you needed Emil. You were so reliant on him. So dependant on the Icelander. You couldn't help but laugh at yourself once you heard him talking about Tobias' slightly older sister. How cute she was. How edgy and different that girl was. You were such a fool. Such a fool indeed for thinking you had a chance with Emil when he clearly was so invested in Lidya.

'When you're not there,
I find myself singing the blues.
Can't bear,
Can't face the truth'

When Emil had announced that he wouldn't be able to make tonight's guy night because of his date you couldn't help but feel stupid that you had feelings for him. Clearly the Icelandic male had eyes for someone else. Someone that wasn't a guy. That was completely feminine. Strangely now that Emil wasn't there, you found yourself singing the blues away with sad songs about unrequited love. You could bear it. You couldn't face the truth that was staring you straight in the face every time you looked his way.

'You will never know that feeling
You will never see through these eyes'

You grew slightly angry at yourself for your self pity. He would never know what it's like. He would never know that feeling that you always had. He would never see through these eyes that gazed upon him with love that he got from his girlfriend and that he gave his girlfriend. He would never see how things looked from your point of view.

'I'd never ask you 'cause deep down I'm certain I know what you'd say
You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way.'

You were so caught up in watching Emil laugh and smile with his girlfriend. It should've been you in his arms while he introduced you to his family. It should've been you he placed soft kisses on but it wasn't it would never be you. So here you were sitting on the sidelines in a suit watching as Emil danced with the girl of his dreams. It was the end of the school and not once did they break up since the second year of school. You never ask him about his feelings for you. You'd never take a shot at asking him. Deep down you were certain that you'd knew what he'd say to you.

He'd tell you he was sorry, to believe him that he loved you but not in that way. Unfortunately for you, you didn't notice the look that Tobias was giving you. Tobias wished you loved him but deep down. He knew you'd say that you loved him but not in the way that you loved Emil.

'You'd say, "I'm sorry, believe me, I love you but not in that way." '

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