Is It True? - Iceland

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Iceland x Reader


'You say you really know me,
not afraid to show me
what is in your eyes
Tell me about the rumours
Are they only rumours?
Are they only lies?
Falling out of a perfect dream, coming out of the blue.'

You scoffed at Emil's face in the picture. He had said he really knew you but clearly that was a lie. If he really knew you then he'd know what you were feeling and help out a lot more. "You said you weren't afraid to show me what was in your eyes Ice." you mumbled when he stepped through the door.

Clearly this relationship wasn't meant to last. Emil, well he used to show you the emotions that clouded his eyes, now he doesn't.

Surely they were all rumours. "Are they only rumours?" you asked referring to what you've been hearing around school. He turned away slightly. "TELL ME ICE." You raised your voice at him. What good is it if he doesn't listen? You felt horrible for shouting at him. "Are they only lies?" you asked again. You had to know.

So far this relationship seemed like a perfect dreams but of course with all these accusations of Emil cheating on you coming out of the blue. You weren't so sure. Somehow it had turned into a heated argument between you both. "IT'S OVER!" Iceland shouted before storming outside. You knelt down in shock.

'Is it true? (Is it true?)
Is it over?
Did I throw it away?
Was it you? (Was it you?)
Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?' 

Is it true? You asked yourself over and over. Did Iceland really just say that to you? The questions went on and on. Did you throw the whole relationship away just over some stupid rumours. Or was it Emil by not reassuring you that they weren't true. That his eyes were only made for you.

You were sure he told you after your last argument that he'd never leave you this way. Ever.

'If you really knew me
you couldn't do this to me
You would be my friend
One of us is lying
Then theres no use in trying
or need to pretend
Falling out of a perfect dream, coming out of the blue'

It's been a few days. Since then. You've been living in this house in tension and you couldn't feel comfortable around who you once trusted. "If he really knew me, he wouldn't do this to me." you muttered to yourself while Emil was in the kitchen. He just couldn't. You told yourself. He would be your friend about it as well as a boyfriend.

Though tonight was filled with another argument. "One of us is lying and it sure isn't me." you stated. Emil sighed deeply. Did he realise that he was being caught out or was he still trying to fool you into thinking that the rumours weren't true. Emil was about to counteract that statement with a more bitter one from himself.

"There's no use in trying anymore Ice. Or for me to pretend that I've got a perfect boyfriend." you sighed and went to go pack his stuff up. Emil was confused. You've never been like this before. Where was this all coming from? It seemed like your behaviour was coming out of the blue and the perfect dream he had for the both of your weren't there anymore.  

'Is it true? (Is it true?)
Is it over?
Did I throw it away?
Was it you? (Was it you?)
Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

Is it true? (Is it true?)
Is it over?
Did i throw it away?
Was it you? (Was it you?)
Did you tell me you would never leave me this way?

(Is it true?)
(Did I dream it?)
Will I wake from this pain?
Is it true? (Is it true?)
Is it over?
Baby did I throw it away?
Is it true?' 

You packed his bags with his clothes and sighed. As soon as you were downstairs, it started again. The horrible screaming and shouting at one another. Why couldn't he just tell you the truth? It felt like your heart was being stabbed and you couldn't breathe. Emil tried to comfort you seeing your obvious distress.

"GET OUT!" you shouted at him. You pushed him towards the door. Once he was out there, you slammed the door shut and locked it. Rushing up the stairs, you entered your room which had a window overlooking the front of the house.

Lifting up the suitcase from the bed, you threw it out of the window. You sunk to the floor as you heard it thump onto the ground. Did Emil tell you that it would never be this way? Did Emil tell you that he wouldn't leave this way? Of course he didn't. If he did then you can't remember.

You weren't sure of who threw the relationship away. It just seemed a blurred mess of tears and lies. Did you dream all of this up? Will you awake from this pain tomorrow with a clear conscious and a loving boyfriend cuddled up against you.

That night was different, you were left with the eerie silence and a haunting suspicion that those rumours weren't true. You wanted to call up Emil and apologise but it went straight to voice mail. So you left a single message for him to listen to.

"Is it true? Baby did I throw it away?"

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