The Loving Dead - Romania

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Vampire! Romania x Reader


'Love forever true
Love forever true

This love for you was forever true. I decided that when I made you mine. Why? Why what? This love is forever true and you know it.

'I'd climb the highest mountain,
Even in the dark
I'd swim the deepest ocean
To get to where you are
This sky will hold no limits
No ground will catch my fall
I will be your dark prince waiting
At your monster ball'

I'd climb the highest mountain my dear. Even in darkness. I'd swim through the deepest ocean just to get to where you are my lovely Y/N. They sky held no limitations and nothing will catch me when I fall. For you and just for you, I'd be your dark prince waiting. At your supposed monster ball. I'll be waiting for you to become mine again.

'We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death
We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death'

Those marks on your neck doesn't mean that you're just mine but that we're the loving dead. We love even in death my beautiful gem. How many more times do I have to tell you, we love even in death because we're the loving dead. It's simple.

'Till death do we part
Well baby I'm dead
So let me get this straight
So I'm not mislead

Tell me I'm disposable
Like I'm just any other
But it appears to me
I'm still good enough
To be your fucking lover'

I sat you down on my chair. That special one you like so much. You looked mystified at why I did this. I nuzzled your neck and smiled while I gripped the chair. I fiddled with the ring I had told you to wear. "What's that thing you tell someone at those fancy coming togethers?" I asked. "Weddings? Til death do us part." you responded like the smart girl you are. You knew when to answer me. I don't like not being answered. "Well baby, I'm dead." I confessed to you. You shook your head. I knew you could tell me that I'm disposable just like any other guy.

"I could toss you away and walk away from this." you said. How brave of you. "But it appears to me my love, I'm still good enough to be your fucking lover." I responded pressing a kiss to your lips.

'Is it really sad
That I love you more in death?
Is that why Romeo had killed Juliet?'

You must think of me of such a sad person. It must be your opinion of me that means so much. Was it really sad that I loved you more in death? Is that the reason why Romeo had killed Juliet. I suppose so it makes sense. I'll love you a little bit more in death.

'It's getting hard to breathe
With this knife in my back
It's buried six feet
Like the love that we have'

I knew you had gotten angry at me but to put a knife in my back? That's just mean. For you it had gotten hard to breath and just like this knife in my back, our love was buried six feet under ever since I laid my eyes on you. Our love won't stop at death.

'I will never let you go
Even in death I'll love you so
Time may have passed but I won't go
Forever is all I want to know'

"Y/N." I called out halting your footsteps. It's been a while since I saw you and now you look beautiful. Even more so than my last visit. "Yes Vladimir?" you responded the reply shaky. I was behind you in an instant and moving your hair away from your neck. I won't go away from you. You should know this. "Forever with you is all I want to know." I responded kissing the tender skin. I dragged my fangs along the skin raising goosebumps on your skin.

'We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death
We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death

From the night we come
To the night we go
Cursed or blessed
To walk the moonlight alone
Sometimes another soul walks our path
Then two become one, in love everlasting
In love everlasting
It's lasting!'

We're from the night. We come from one night and go to another. I don't know if we're cursed or blessed in our form but to walk the moonlight alone is painfully lonely. I'll tell you something, another soul may cross our path and then two become one. In an everlasting love. That's right. An everlasting love. The perks of it being that it's lasting not like any other love.

'I will never let you go
Even in death, I love you so
Time may have passed but I won't go
Forever is all I want to know'

I won't let you go, not now Y/N. Even in death I love you so. Time may have passed since I last saw you but I will never leave. No matter how long. I just want to know. Is forever good enough?

'We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death
We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death'

I stood with you on the balcony watching as the sun went down. I kissed the bite marks on your neck. The ones I gave you. The ones I made to claim you as mine. We're both dead now. We're what everyone calls the loving dead. No matter how long it took for you, we love even in our deaths. I love you Sarah and I will for ever.

'We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death
We are, we are the loving dead
We love, we love even in death'

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