Lay Me Down - FinNor / NorFin

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Norway x Finland 


'Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be
Where I was right there
Right next to you'

Tino looked out into the night. It was a particularly stormy one. The wind blew through his hair and seemed to stick around him. While he wasn't exactly superstitious, he still believed that Lukas was always with him despite what had happened.

"Yes, I do." he responded to the winds howling. "I believe I'll be right next to you. Not now but one day." Tino stated as he smiled sadly. He twisted the wedding ring on his fourth finger.

He remembered the day he had gotten that. The cheering of the crowd after he and Lukas had kissed. Tino really believed that one day he'd be where he was then. Right next to Lukas. Perhaps dancing, maybe hugging or just sitting on a park bench.

'And it's hard
The days just seem so dark
The moon and the stars
Are nothing without you'

'How are you doing?' That seemed to be the only question he heard whenever he visited his in-laws. The answer was always going to be the same. It seemed that the storm had passed. Now he could see the moon and stars.

"Lukas, it's hard." he confessed to the wilderness. Everything just seemed so dark. It was as if he was stuck in a twisted nightmare. One where the love of his life wasn't around. "The moon and stars are lovely but they're still nothing without you." Tino whispered. He knew by now that he wasn't ever going to get a response from Lukas. How could he? It was practically impossible.

'Your touch, your skin
Where do I begin?
No words can explain
The way I'm missing you' 

Tino laid in bed. It was just a bit too big now that he didn't have the Norwegian male to cuddle up to. He sighed out in the cooling room. Those were the times. Long nights the feel of Lukas' touch all over his body. The softness of Lukas' skin.

How does he even begin? Where did he need to begin? Everyone wanted to know how he felt. Tino couldn't say anything. He doubted that there was even words to explain how much he was missing Lukas.

Tino turned on his side and looked at the framed picture of Lukas on his back. The Norwegian was smiling and his dimples showed either side of his smile. It was cute. Despite the Norwegian disliking them. "No words can explain the way I'm missing you Lukas." he hummed before pressing a kiss to the picture.

Another day without Lukas.

'Deny this emptiness
This hole that I'm inside
These tears
They tell their own story

Told me not to cry when you were gone
But the feeling's overwhelming, it's much too strong'

Tino wanted to deny everything. He wanted to deny that there was a certain type of emptiness inside of him. It seemed like he was sinking into a never ending hole. Tino tried to control his thoughts, the memories that sparked these negative feelings. Though most of them weren't negative. In fact most of his memories of Lukas were happier.

Tears escaped his eyes and he tried to imagine Lukas walking along beside him telling him about the Dungeons and Dragons game that he played with two friends. Tino bumped into someone and looked up to see Emil. Oh how he had grown into a handsome man.

Lukas would be proud of him. He would be proud of how Emil was doing at University. After all it's been a couple of years since Emil came over and started talking to Lukas about getting his first choice University.

Quickly wiping away the tears, he greeted the young man with a smile. He and Emil both knew that those tears had their own story but neither willing to share it. Whilst they were catching up, Lukas' voice was in the back of his mind.

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