Friends - Prussia x Reader

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Small Authors Note: I've been away awhile but since quarantine is a blessing in disguise for my once busy schedule, I'm going to be writing more. Also I've changed the format a little bit. Instead of putting the lyrics, there'll just be the song at the top. 

Friends - Marshmello & Anne-Marie
Prussia x Reader


"I love you," he said once again. I rolled my eyes. Of course he would say that. I couldn't ever get rid of him. He followed me as I walked into the kitchen. I was going to fill up my cup full to the brim of my favourite drink. "Gil please," I pleaded. He was starting to make me uncomfortable with how close he wanted. I've had enough, this has been going on too long. 

"You're like my brother," I reasoned. He shifted and looked at the floor. I felt guilty. I wasn't trying to lead him on at all. It's just he didn't seem to understand when I said no. "Y/N please, I love you and you're only pushing me away," he cooed as he reached out to touch me. I shook my head. There's no point in trying to play along with his little game. "I've known you since we were ten Gil, I don't think I can look at you like that," I tried to reason with him again and this time I started to walk off to where I saw my friend Callie. 

All I could think of was 'here we go again...' He's tried this argument once before. That he was perfect for me because he knew me so well. He's making me crazy and he's really on the borderline of messing things up because he's talking about that love shit. 

He caught my arm before I could walk off into the crowd. A determined look was sparkling in his eyes and I had to stop myself from laughing maniacally. "Don't look at me with that look," I groaned. I knew from that little fucking glint that he wasn't going to give this up. At least not easily and not without a stupid fight. That wasn't the main problem. I didn't know how to address him anymore. I was done being polite and he just can't be reasoned with at this point. 

"I've told you time and time before Gil, I believed that I've made it as obvious as I can, as clear as I can and you just don't listen do you?" I seethed. It was less of a question and more of a demand. I was starting to get irritated at the crowds of people, the argument that was starting to build and the ticking time bomb of my anger was slowly counting down. He seemed to wait as if he was waiting for me to be done with my anger. To see his side of the story and like it. "Do you want me to spell it out for you? I can and I will," I mused through gritted teeth. He was getting on my nerves. 

"Gil, we're friends. F-R-I-E-N-D-S. That's it." I snapped and snatched my arm away from him. I dropped my drink as I pushed past people to leave. This was not my night and I'm hoping that it won't repeat itself. I called for a cab and headed home for the night. 

It's been a few weeks and I was starting to get suspicious of Gil not turning up or begging me to date him. I don't want to be mean to him but he's not getting the picture. A wave of guilt washed over me. I couldn't of just walked away from him and left him there. I just had to go and snap at him. I just stared up at the ceiling. I know I should be sleeping right now, I have a study session tomorrow at 9 but I just couldn't sleep. The rain pattered against my window. I got up to look out the window. Maybe I'll just sit by the window and read. 

That's when I saw him. He stood there, with his hood up. It looked like he had a bouquet of flowers in his hand. I just watched him. This wasn't healthy any more. He was trying to be something I didn't see him as. "Have you got no shame?" I whispered to myself. He's insane if he thought turning up at my house at 2 in the morning would make me want to date him. I felt sorry for him. 

I rushed to get a dressing gown on and hurried downstairs. I couldn't leave him out in the rain like this. He's going to get sick. I flung the front door open and called for him. He traipsed over drenched from the rain. All he did was stand there. "Please come in Gil," I cooed and hurried off to go get a towel. 

When I returned to him I saw his eyes. Glossy with unshed tears. Maybe I shouldn't of run off without explaining myself. "Friends. F-R-I-E-N-D-S." he muttered. I just looked down as I handed the towel to him for him to dry himself. "I," we both started at the same time. He stayed silent and I guessed he was waiting for me to say something. 

"I'm sorry for snapping at you at the party the other week. It was out of line," I murmured and tried to look everywhere but him. 

All he did was smile at me. It was bitter and shallow, didn't reach his eyes like it normally did. His eyes. That's when I realised how much pain he was in. He was holding it all back. I've never seen him more broken. 

"It was called for. It was never out of line for you to do that. It was wrong of me to try and push what was never going to happen. I can't tell you that it didn't hurt finally hearing you snap. I thought that one day I'd listen to that voice that was in my head. The one that constantly reminded me that I should just get that shit in my head. That we'd never be together. I..." he talked in a hushed tone. I didn't like hearing his voice like this. 

Hoarse and scratchy like he didn't stop crying for a week. "I should just let what will be, be. If that makes sense. I'm sorry I've been annoying you. I think it's best we stay away from each other for a little while." he concluded his point with a shaky breath. He placed the flowers on the kitchen table and dropped the towel alongside them. 

Gil walked towards the door. As much as I didn't want him pester me into dating him, I didn't want him gone completely. I trailed him to the door. He turned to face me. I clung to his body and felt the tears rolling down my face. "Gil, you're still my friend," I murmured I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. He parted from me and with a sad smile, he departed with his final words and I felt the entire night shift to a more sombre mood. 

"You're breaking my heart Y/N," 

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