One - DenNor

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One Sided! Denmark x Norway


'Tell me that you turned down the man
Who asked for you hand
Cause you're waiting for me
And I know, you're gonna be away a while
But I've got no plans at all to leave
So would you take away all my hopes and dreams?
And just stay with me'

Mathias was at the local bar. It was hell for him at the moment. Lukas was happier without him. That's what it seemed anyway. Recently Lukas had been asked by Emil's friend to marry him. Mathias wanted Lukas to tell him that he had turned down the man who had asked for his hand because he's waiting for Mathias.

It wasn't until a little while ago that Lukas decided to go to Iceland to visit his brother for a while.


"I know you're going to be away awhile Lukas." I slurred to the man on the other end of the phone. "I've got no plans at all to leave before you get back." I stated. "I know Mathias. You've told me before." murmured Lukas before hanging up. Lukas would you just take away my hope and dreams already? I've had enough of them without you being in them permanently.

"Just stay with me." I mumbled putting my phone away in my pocket. I paid for the drinks and said goodbye to the bartender before leaving. 

'All my senses come to life
As I'm stumbling home as drunk as I
Have ever been and I'll never leave again
Cause you are the only one
All my friends have gone to find
Another place to let their hearts collide
So promise me, you'll always be a friend
Cause you are the only one'

It felt as though all my senses had been awakened. They were probably dulled though with the amount of alcohol I had consumed. I stumbled home in the dark, drunk out of my mind as I have ever been. I'll never leave again. I thought to myself as I made it home. It wasn't home without you Lukas. It won't ever be that way.

"You're the only one Lukas." I murmured before I passed out on the sofa. All of my friends had left to find somewhere else to be all lovey dovey with each other. Somewhere where they could let their hearts collide with each others. Promise me Lukas that you'll always be a friend to me. Cause you're the only one. 

'Take my hand and my
Heart and soul, I will
Only have these eyes for you
And you know that everything changes but
We'll be strangers if we see this through
You could stay within these walls or leave
But just stay with me'

I wanted you take my hand. Not only that just take my heart and soul. My eyes will only ever be made for looking at you and no one but you Lukas. Why can't you see that? Everything changes, you know this, but if we saw this through. I don't know what it would be that we're seeing through but we'd be strangers.

You could stay within these walls. Or leave them. I'll go wherever you want me to go. Just stay with me Lukas.

'All my senses come to life
As I'm stumbling home as drunk as I
Have ever been and I'll never leave again
Cause you are the only one
And all of my friends have gone to find
Another place to let their hearts collide
So promise me you'll always be a friend
Cause you are the only one' 

You were home but this was the second time I'm stumbling home drunk after trying to get thoughts of you and I out of my head. "I'm sorry Lukas. I'll never leave again." I slurred as soon as I was in front of you. You didn't look angry. In fact you looked kind of concerned. You helped me up the stairs and managed to get me into my room.

All of my friends were somewhere else revelling in their relationships. "Promise me you'll always be a friend." I mumbled. You held my hand and smiled softly. It must be a dream because you don't smile at me like that. "Cause you are the only one." I mumbled before falling asleep. 

'I'm stumbling out drunk, getting myself lost
I am so gone, tell me the way home
Listening to sad songs, singing about love
And where it goes wrong'

Third time this month of stumbling out the bar drunk. This time everything was blurred. I was probably getting myself lost but who cares. You certainly don't Lukas. You're probably off with your new man talking to him about your future plans. I laughed to myself. I am so gone. Nothing seemed to make sense to me. "Tell me the way home." I mumbled to no one.

You wouldn't be there for me, you were somewhere else entirely. I listened to sad songs when I did make it home. They were singing about love. Not stupid love songs where someone confesses their love but singing about where it goes wrong.

I sobbed as I thought of you. Why couldn't I just tell you how I feel? 

'All my senses come to life
As I'm stumbling home as drunk as I
Have ever been and I'll never leave again
Cause you are the only one
And all of my friends have gone to find
Another place to let their hearts collide
So promise me you'll always be a friend
Cause you are the only one'

I saw you standing next to me. Saying something. I couldn't make out what it was. All I want to hear out of that mouth is promises that you'll always be a friend despite what's happening. I don't want to lose you. I wouldn't be the same if I did.

"Cause you are the only one Lukas. Enough to make my heart beat like this. It's crazy. I love you and you take away the feeling of home when you leave." I murmured as you listened. What's the point of this again? I don't know but it seems to be helping. Not like you'll break up with that guy your seeing and start a relationship with me.

I'm lonely. I must've been hearing things, seeing things because that night you were lying next to me. "Cause you are the only one." you murmured. I closed my eyes and sleep washed over me. I felt myself crying in my sleep though.

You'll never be mine. 

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