Iris - Reader x Spirit!Prussia

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Inspired by the song Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls and by the amazing cover by Jada Facer. 

Pairing: Reader x Prussia


I walked through the forest. It was awfully lonely as a wandering spirit. It would've been much better to have found another spirit by now or maybe even a way to pass over. Instead for whatever reason I'm stuck here waiting for my time to come so that I can be reunited with my brother. Why did I have to be stuck here? 

Then I felt it, a very calming aura. An energy that drew me near to it and almost made me drunk. I looked around and I couldn't see anything but I followed the vibes of this energy and found the most stunning sight. I swore if I were human, my heart would've skipped a beat. 

She was so beautiful. I couldn't tear myself away from looking at her. And her aura, it's the sweetest thing I've ever experienced. I must know about her. From that moment I followed her around, seeing the things she enjoyed, the things she did to keep herself happy. Then one day it all crumbled. 

I watched as she started to fall into the clutches of misery and drown in her own sorrows. I hated that I couldn't do anything to help. I hated that fate had to make me this way. Maybe I could've even met her as a human and helped her overcome the dark cloud that hung over her body. All I could do was watch as the tears flowed down her cheeks as she silently cried. I understood her pain all too well. 

The feeling of being ripped from inside out with a twisting ball of emotions. It made me feel sick just remembering what it felt like to lose my baby brother. I wanted to hurt whoever took him away but that would never have solved anything. I shook my head and laid on the floor just staring at her ceiling. I wish you could've known me back then. Maybe the things that felt broken could've been healed with you around. 

I sat up. Maybe this was redemption. Maybe this was my redemption for everything I did when I was alive. After all the pain that my Mother endured while I was alive, I just had to go and throw my life away. How selfish of me. I thought it would've got better, at least with me helping from beyond the human realm. I thought I could make you happy but it appears that I can't at least not from just doing tiny things that aren't doing anything to cheer you up. 

That night I saw you, the blade against your skin, the crimson liquid that flowed from the wound. Why? Why would you do that? Why did you need to bleed to know that your alive? I felt furious. You shouldn't do that. You don't need to do that to stop feeling alive. I knew your plans. Prom night was going to be your last night on this world.

I followed you as you rushed around on the night of the prom. I watched as people talked about you. Saying such disgusting things. If I was with you right then and there, I would've shut them all up. You looked divine. Simply beautiful. I had no word for how you looked. As you stared at the stars from the field, I stood beside you. 

I just want you to know who I am. I swore that you could feel my presence, I almost kidded myself that you knew I was there watching over you making sure you were okay. How I'd give up forever to touch you right now. I bring you into my arms and tell you how you were making a mistake, how you were going to throw your life away. I'd just hug you until all your sorrows went away until you could live without the pain your harbour. 

Screw it, I wrapped my arms around you. I knew you'd only feel cold but I thought I felt something shift. Like the entire world just moved in your favour. I watched as you went home and sat down with your Mother, I watched as you two talked out everything. Maybe I did help after all. I felt warm. I felt fuzzy and most of all I felt proud. 

I looked at you as you sat on your bed, a small but relieved smile on your lips. I didn't want to go. Not yet. I wanted to know how everything turns out. Impulsively, I leaned forward and stole a kiss. I looked down at my hands. They were fading. I hoped that you could hear me. To hear the truth that my heat weaved just for you. I don't want to miss you but I know that I will.  

"You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be," 

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