End Of The World - Netherlands

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Netherlands x Reader


'We flew too close to the sun
So close I thought it was heaven
If hell is life without love
Am I being punished for what I've done'

It was the perfect relationship between you and Tim. He was the perfect boyfriend you ever could've asked for. He showed his soft side to you. Those playful smiles and happy laughter. What happened to make it so bitter?

'The sky's on fire
All the stars disappear
No signs of life without you here'

It seemed after every argument you had, Tim, would be off taking a walk to cool himself down. It was like the sky would've set on fire and no stars would've littered the sky. Though it felt like it made everything lifeless without him next to you.

'Tears will fall
Oceans will rise
The Earth will stop turning
Since you left
Every breath feels like it's burning
I know that life will go on
I will survive
But for tonight
I'd swear on my life
This is the end of the world'

Tears fell from your face onto the floor below you. You swore the earth would've stopped turning. He'd left without a word. He said he'd stay at his brothers for a little bit. It was a big argument between the two. It almost broke up your relationship but you knew that everything would be okay once he'd come back. You'd wrap your arms around him and tell him you loved him ever so dearly. But for tonight, you'd swear on your life that it's the end of the world.

'Slept on your side of the bed
Replayed the things that I should have said
I wish I had summoned the strength
To leave alone what I couldn't change

The sky's on fire
All the world disappears
No signs of life without you here'

You slept on his side of the bed in one of his jumpers. You missed him so. The playful kisses all over your face and the soft gazes and tulips he'd give you when you were sad. You replayed the things you should've said to him that night of the fight. You should've summoned the strength to leave alone what you couldn't of changed about Tim. It was what made Tim... Tim. The world seemed to disappear and that it was just you and nothing else. Nothing but desolate land. That's without Tim. Without him you felt like you were nothing. 

'Tears will fall
Oceans will rise
The Earth will stop turning
Since you left
Every breath feels like it's burning
I know that life will go on
I will survive
But for tonight
I'd swear on my life
This is the end of the world'

Every breath you took without Tim became increasingly painful. It felt like it was burning each time you inhaled and exhaled. It felt like the Earth would stop turning at any moment. Tim was gone and you didn't know if he was coming back to make amends or not. You laid down on your bed and sighed. It would be a very long time before you'd get to see him again. 

'The sky's on fire
All the stars disappear
No signs of life without you here'

You saw Tim at your front door step looking apologetic. "TIM!" you cried angrily. He tried to make a point but you ignored it. You walked out into the road and he caught your wrist to turn you around. "No. (Y/N). Listen to me please." he begged of you to listen. You turned to your left just a bit to try and get your thoughts together but you saw a driver that wasn't planning on stopping any time soon. You pushed Tim out of the way and tried to warn the person to stop but they didn't.

Tim looked up from where he was and felt a cut on the side of his head. He saw you and rushed over to you. "No. C'mon (Y/N). Wake up." he said as he cradled your cold body. The little box in his pocket was now on the floor. He'd never get another chance to apologise or tell you how much you mean to him. He cried over the death of a very beautiful woman.

'Tears will fall
Oceans will rise
The Earth will stop turning
Since you left
Every breath feels like it's burning
I know that life will go on
I'll survive
but for tonight

I swear on my life this is the end of the world' 

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