Chapter 39

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"What dinner?" Bryan inquired.

"Our celebration, it's been 60 days for 'Wicked witches' we are celebrating that" I beamed at him. He pulled a face.

"What do I have to do with your stupid shop's 60 days." He replied in boredom and flipped another page sitting in my chair again in my shop. The audacity of this boy! I threw daggers at him and he didn't even flinch.

"It's not my fault, I hate this place to the core. You are always freaking busy and hiding in this pit hole.!" He complained.

"Bryan!" I called his name in long lectured tone. So that he doesn't start again.

"You ignore me, you do realise how many plans you have cancelled, because there is always an emergency, always a final call, always this or that., It's not like I'm competing here with a guy I'm competing with a damn shop!" He blamed my precious shop infuriatingly.

I listened to his blabbering intently resting my face in my hands leaning on the desk, making an eye contact throughout, I couldn't help but crack a smile. I snorted actually. This made him more mad.

"Go to hell" He hissed and went back to reading. I snatched away his book and forced him to look. "That's why we are going out! To celebrate. Genius" I lightly smack his head with his own book.

"I am not interested" He growled.

"That's a relief to hear!" Sara chipped in. He immediately turned around to look at me. "She was in the plan? Weren't we both enough?" He sounded more irritated than a minute before.

"Yeah! Us three." I nodded in confusion. "I have been saying us. Right?"

"Us as in US. You and me. That's make us. Not some third wheel" Bryan gave Sara a side glance.

Sara gasped hearing Bryan and immediately started attacking him with her hands. "You are the third wheel, you insufferable Moron!" She shouted in his face.

I ran in between to safe Bryan from Sara's unforgivable wrath. To my surprise Bryan wasn't joking he was furious as her. What is happening!! "You guys! Stop acting like kids." I pushed them apart.

They both had ragged breathing still looking for a way to kill eachother. "We are going out tonight! So we are! And that's decided" I pointed my fingers at both of them. Or else they both have to suffer my fury.

After a long battle they both meekly nodded there heads and agreed. "Good." I said. "9'o clock at 'Winter Night' " like small kids pouting there faces they nodded there heads again. "Good. Now shake your hands" I commanded.

Bryan snorted and pushed me away as he walked out of the shop without looking back. "Shake our hands!" Sara mocked.

"I can always try" I laughed, yeah. I asked for world peace. How silly of me!

"Fiona, can you help me in arranging this boxes" I asked Fiona our assistant to help.

"Yes, of course" she smiled at me. She was a pretty little lady. With dark raven hair and black eyes. She was a cutie. But a smarty pant!

"There has been a low sales with 'Kerix'" Fiona said arranging bottles, "Okay. I will talk about it with Sara" I replied. Happy she is paying attention to the sales, She is fast learner and almost memorised the lotions and it's uses. Unpacking the boxes I saw a new product. 'Dust Drafe' it was black in colour and it smelled odd. "Sara, have you made another potion?" I asked her examining it closely. She came around and looked at the bottle. "Yeah, its my latest innovation. 'Dust Drafe' cool isn't it?" She took it from my hand and smelled it.

I smiled. "Yes, what does it do exactly?" I asked further more placing more of them on the rack.
"Oh. it's for a bad head aches, just like oil, you need to apply two only two drops of it and decrease the pain and also let you sleep for quite hours." She explained. I listened to her and my ears caught the word sleep. I turned around "Does it helps you to sleep?" I ask her wearily.

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