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Next day

Sevyn POV

After I came home from work I got a call from Keith telling me Algee was on the way once I was done settling in I sat in the front room watching The parkers until he came.

Ding dong

I got up to answer the door once I did I stepped back to let him in then closed the door behind him and locked it.

"How you been sev"he asks me.

"I've been good Algee, how about you " I ask him

"Better now that I'm able to talk to you" he says causing me to blush.

"That's good to hear, but can we cut the small talk and talk about the reason your really here Al" I was tired of the games I just wanted my one question answered.

"Alright let's talk then" he says

"Why did you do it I thought you loved me" I ask him

"I do love you Sevyn still do to this day I was just messed up being dumb and stupid thinking I can have all these girls while I'm on the road then come home to you like nothing ever happened " he says.

"But you told me you wouldn't do anything you'd regret you promised me that Algee those words specifically came out your mouth you told me I was the only girl for you were those all lies" at this point I was crying mad and hurt.

"Everything I told you is true sev I still feel the same way nothing has changed I was just making dumb decisions and I'm sorry for that if you don't want to forgive me that's fine if you don't want to be with me I understand that I just at least want us to be able to talk about all this and have some closure with each other " he says.

I started crying more as I looked at him." Algee I don't want closure I want you back but I'm scared to take you back ,I'm scared that if I take you back I'll look weak, and I don't want to look weak I don't want it to look like that I lost my self worth and that I just let anybody cheat on me and get away with it" I tell him.

"Listen to me sev take a breath and slow down, I don't care what nobody say I don't care what they think if you love and you know I love you then that's all that matters fuck what everybody else think they don't mean no mind to me all I care about is you and you only baby girl" he tells

"You right Algee" I say still looking at him.

"So will you take me back Sevyn can we start over and be better than before"he asks me.

I just looked at him nodding my head vigorously letting him know my answer is yes.

"Can I hear you say it please so I know it's official " he asks with his face so close to mine.

"Yes" I say closing that small gap between us and kissing him.

"I love you baby" he tells me.

"I love you too"

"I never ever want you to have a reason to stress out again okay " he says

"Okay" I tell him

"And next time you go to see Stephen Curry shoot let me know " he tells me

"Hush I was supporting a friend " I tell him

"Mhmmm well let Thompson know you taking now" he tells me, I swear this boy is silly.


Keith POV

"I'm proud of you baby sev just text me saying they back together " Mya tells me

"Yeah thanks to your wonderful threats they back together " I tell her causing her to make a face at me.

"Boy" she says

"Girl" I say mimicking her back.

"Keep on no pussy for you" she says threatening me.

"So you taking my pussy away from me that's mines" I tell her rubbing her through her shorts with a straight face making her mad.

"So you taking my pussy away from me that's mines" I tell her rubbing her through her shorts with a straight face making her mad

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I started rubbing faster making her give me this look.

She knows what time it is I'll have her ass bent over

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She knows what time it is I'll have her ass bent over.

"Yeah you know what's up " I tell her.

"Whatever Keith you know you can't do nothing if I take MY pussy away the one I was born with" she tells me.

"I don't care if you was born with it once you got with me that pussy became mines and I don't share baby I'm stingy as fuck when it comes to MY pussy remember that Mya Powers" I tell her.

"Damn you just turned me all the way on daddy" she say biting her lips at me.

"Oh I'm daddy now, I thought I been daddy" I tell her smirking.

"When you talk to me like that you always daddy " she tells me.

"Shit I'm daddy no matter what I do remember that baby girl" I say kissing on her neck.

"Okay Papi now finish what you started you got me all hot and bothered I want to release now " she says

"I gotcha ma" I tell her climbing on top of her and getting between her legs taking her shorts off.

I didn't feel like playing so I got to the point and slide in.

If any of y'all listened to Algee Smith Listen EP then you'll see I threw some lyrics from some of the songs in there.

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