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Keith has been acting crazy he believes I'm pregnant but I'm obviously not.

"Baby just take the test" he says.

"No you take it" I say laughing he gave me a straight face making me stop laughing.

"I'm not playing with you Mya" he says.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm just not feeling it if I say I'm not pregnant then I'm not pregnant" I tell him.

"Yeah okay take the fucking test" he says slamming the test against my chest and walking out the bathroom.

I sighed and took the test once I was done I waited 5 minutes then looked at the test.

"KEITH" I yelled

"what's up" he says coming in the bathroom.

"Look at the test" I said.

"Baby it says that your- your pregnant Mya like I said imma be a father" Keith says picking me up and spending me around. "Now next time I tell you to take a pregnancy test you take one" he says kissing me and walking out the bathroom.

"Yeah man we having a baby" I heard Keith say he must be telling the guys speaking of which I need to tell all the girls, I called up Sev and told her to gather all the girls at her house so I can tell them some important news.


Next day

We was all at Sevyn house and the girls was waiting on me to tell them the news.

"Okay Mya spit it out" Sevyn says.

"Okay girls well last night Keith and I found out that I'm pregnant" I say smiling and rubbing my flat belly.

"Oh my gosh imma be an Auntie"Sevyn said getting up hugging me and kissing all over my face.

"Better than that you and Algee are the god parents" I say.

"Yes" she says

"I'm so happy for you boo I'm not the only one with a child now" Kelly says.

"Yeah I'm so excited I can't wait" I say smiling.


Tamera POV

"Baby you know what I think" I say to Mark.

"Yeah what's that" he says.

"I think that it would be a good idea if we got Channing and Sevyn together ourselves instead of waiting for fate" I say

"Baby what Sevyn is dating already she told me they been together going on 3 years now you shouldn't be trying to interfere with her relationship like that" he says causing me to roll my eyes.

"What why can't she just leave him and date Channing " I say.

"For the last time Tamera you can not force that girl to date Channing she is a grown woman you can not control her life or tell her what to do and last I heard you loved Algee and Sevyn together now all of a sudden Channing says he wants to date your daughter you wanna take her away from the love of her life and Channing is no good for her he's not her type she doesn't date my skin color guys so deal with it okay leave her alone cause you starting to piss me off you and my mama now don't ever let me hear you say anything about Sevyn and Algee's relationship again unless you talking about the wedding which I doubt she'll be there the way you and my mom be acting" he says. Did he just fuss me out.

"How dare you talk to me like that" I say.

"How dare I not talk to you like that all you've been doing since we've got engaged is bother your daughter force to do things she not interested in let my mother put things in your head on how to raise your daughter and I'm sick of it I really am either get yourself together or find you s new man cause as of now I'm done" he says getting up and walking in the back I don't care how he feels I raise my daughter the way I want to.


Sevyn POV

Me and Algee was at the mall in the food court eating I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Klay.

Me and Algee was at the mall in the food court eating I felt a tap on my shoulder and it was Klay

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"Klay hey" I said getting up to hug him.

"What's up how you been" he said after we was done hugging.

"I been good" I say.

"Ahem" I heard Algee clear his throat oh shit I forgot he was here.

"Klay this is my boyfriend Algee, Algee this is Klay" I said introduced them.

"Nice to meet you bro" Klay say reaching across the table and shaking Algee's hand.

"Nice to meet you to man" Algee said reaching over to meet him halfway and shaking his hand back.

"Well I better get out of here see you around Sevyn nice meeting you Algee" he said then left.

"I don't like him" he said soon as Klay left I bust out laughing.

"Baby shut up you don't even know him like that" I say still laughing.

"I know but the way he was looking at you like he could take you at any minute I ain't like it so nope I don't like him". He says shrugging and continuing to eat his food.

"Baby you just jealous" I say

"Nah but when it comes to you I need to be protective at all times I love you to much to let you go" he says.

"Aww baby I love you too" I say smiling and reaching over the table to kiss him.

"Another one" he says

I gave him another kiss.

"Another one" he says causing me to laugh I gave him another kiss.

"Another one" he said

"Alright Dj Khaled" I say making us both laugh my baby is so stupid.


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