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Announcement(I have a new story I'm working on right now also it's a Chris Brown story but I won't publish the story until I'm done with this one and I also have another new edition cast story but this one is mainly about Algee and Woody and one girl it's a college story I won't start that story until this one is done and the Chris Brown story is done)>>>>>back to the story.


Algee POV

"Yo Keith" I say

"What's up man" he says

"I think-I think I'm ready" I say

"Uh ready for what man be more specific you sound like a girl that's scared to tell her nigga she ready to loose her virginity" he says laugh.

"Man" I say sucking my teeth.

"I'm for real bro but all jokes aside what you talking about " he asks

"One your gay nigga and two I think I'm ready to take that big step and propose to Sevyn" I say

Keith put his phone down and turned around to look at me all the way giving me is full attention.

"Yo you serious man" he asks

"Yeah man" I say

"Algee Smith look at me my dude are you sure that your ready to take that next step in commitment and marry sev cause once you put that ring on her finger you stuck dude ain't no turning back you see the rest of us guys we all married and ain't no turning back now for us" he says

"Yeah man I'm serious I wanna marry look at the group me and sev the only couple out the group that's not married I'm ready to take that step and marry her I love her I want to have kids with her one day this is the first and tomorrow I want you to come with me to buy her a ring cause next week imma have this get together for the group and imma invite her mom, Mark,her dad ,August , Cardi, Dime, and Dreezy and of course my mom as well." I say

"My boy say he finally ready to be a married man I'm proud of you Al for real out of all the guys in the group we're the closest and I'm happy that's it's you I can share this brother moment with for the rest of my life man" Keith says.

"Yeah me to man i love you bro" I say

"I love you too Al" he says then we have each other a brotherly hug.


Sevyn POV

I was at work and who walked in August it's crazy how the first time we met he was a rude ass to me shooting his lil video now he's my brother that's crazy.

"Hey Aug what you doing here" I ask

"Girl don't play you know damn well you blew my line up talking about bring me some Burger King" he says mugging me.

"And you brought it for me thank you brother" I say getting up and hugging him then sitting back down.

"Yeah yeah when you get off" he asks me.

"6:30" I say

"Alright I'll be back here at 6:30 to get you" he says

"Why" I ask dipping my fries in sauce.

"I wanna spend some time with ya take you out to eat and late night bowling sis" he says.

"Just me and you" I ask

August POV

"Just me and you sis" I say

"Alright it's a date then see you bro" Sevyn says

"Alright baby girl I'm out" I say leaving the building her mom finally found a name for her building so people can stop calling it the event place she named it Star Events I guess she wanted events to squeeze in there somewhere but after I left there I went to Cardi place me and her made it official a while ago my baby crazy tho almost chopped my ass for signing a fan t-shirt.

"Hey boo" she says

"Wazzam gorgeous" I say kissing on her causing her to giggle.

"Baby stop" she says

I continued to kiss on her neck anyways.

"Why" I say sucking on it now.

"Ooh you so nasty" she say finally pulling away.

"You like it tho Cardi quit playing with me girl" I say to her.

"Whatever boy what you doing tonight" she asks.

"Nothing until 6:30" I say shrugging.

"And what exactly you doing at 6:30, why it gotta be that specific time what hoe you doing it with what hoe you going to see August Anthony Alsina" she says all in one breath.

"Cardi calm down it-

"Don't telllll me to calm down you calm down" she says stretching the L's out in tell.

"I'm picking Sevyn up from work and we spending the rest of the night together some brother and sister bond since we ain't see each other in a while since my don't matter tour" I tell her.

"Oh okay I'm sorry daddy"she says

"You good mama I love it when you jealous that shit sexy" I say biting my lip at her.


"No Auggie you cheated" Sevyn yells.

"No I did not you lying man" I say to her me and Sevyn is bowling right now and she mad cause this the third time I won it's 1 against 3.

"I want a rematch" she say pouting and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine by me looser" I say making her mad on purpose.


"I still won baby give up" I say

"Fine punk" she says

"Whatever sore looser" I say

"Yeah yeah but I had a good time with you today August this was really fun" Sevyn says.

"Yeah it was wanna do this again Saturday " I ask her.

"Fasho" she says trynna sound like me.

"You can't copy my accent" I tell her laughing.

"I'll get the hang of it one day Aug watch you'll see" she says.

"Yeah whatever girl" I say laughing at her.


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