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Sevyn POV

"So repeat all this to me again" Algee says

"Ugh you never listen this is the last time I'll say this Mark god brother tried to hit on me talking about dip into some vanilla" I say

"What the fuck do I need to say something to him" Algee ask

"No calm down baby ignore that shit alright I just don't understand why my mom kept all of this a secret then expected me to welcome him and his family with open arms like everything is cool" I say

"I understand baby I really do but just be there for your mom okay you don't have to deal with him or his family you don't even have to talk to them just be there for your mom okay" he says

"Fine" i say


Thanksgiving day

I was at home getting ready to go to my grandma house Algee already left to be with his family the night before.

Ding dong

I wonder who this could be I went downstairs to answer the door to see my mom and Mark what the fuck are they doing here.

"Uh what are y'all doing here" I ask closing the door behind us.

"Well I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to carpool to Mark's mom house instead of separate cars that way you two could get to know each other a little more" my mom says

"Um mom what are you talking about I'm not going to Mark's mother house for thanksgiving" I say

"Wait what excuse you and why not because I don't remember telling you that you could go anywhere else" she says.

"Baby-" Mark says but got cut off by my mom.

"Where the hell you think you gone go with Algee and his family hug you gone leave your own family for a family you barely know" she says.

"First of all mom Algee left to be with his family already and I'm going to grandmas house for thanksgiving like I've always been doing" I say

"And what makes you think grandma is having thanksgiving she's coming to Mark's mother house to" she says.

"Uh no she's not mom i talked to her last night and she said she's not canceling thanksgiving because you want it somewhere else she told me if you don't be there you just don't but I'm going to my grandmothers house and that's final" I say

"So what about your grandmother Susan" she says.

"What about her no disrespect to you Mark but mom that's not my grandmother she's nothing to me I don't have to get to know her okay now if you excuse me I have to get ready". I say

"So what about Christmas " she asks.

"I'm going to my dads house" I say

"And New Years" she ask

"I'm spending that with Algee" I say

"So you just got everything figured out huh well Mark's family reunion coming up and whether you like it or not your going this is your family now and I expect to see you there" she says

"Yeah we'll see now can you please leave" I say

"Fine let's go Mark" she says walking out the house with him following behind.

"Happy thanksgiving Sevyn" Mark says.

"Yeah same to you Mark" I say then closed the door.


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