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Announcement: i would like to know what y'all think about this story so comment also if you have any ideas you think I should put in my story for the next chapters  let me know and VOTE also, back to the story...........


Algee POV

I ain't gone lie I did get jealous and mad when I saw Sevyn and August in that picture together on Instagram I was pissed off man I thought my baby was cheating on me but once I found out that was her brother all the jealousy I had went away now that I think about it they do look alike a little bit but sev look more like her mom and Aug probably look more like his mom cause they don't really have Idris features like that.

"Ugh if I get one more call from that stupid ass club I'm going off man" Sevyn yells.

"What's wrong baby" I ask her.

"My mom put me in some damn stupid club with Mark's mom and her friends now they keep calling me talking about I don't need to miss anymore meetings I swear my mom wants me to smack  the fuck out of her" she says.

"Baby calm down" I tell her

"I can't Al she just makes me so mad when she do stuff without notifying me first ugh" she says.

Knock knock

I got up to answer the door since this is my house we're at for the first time I finally got sev to come to my house, I opened the door and there stood Sevyn mom some white lady and some white guy who I know isn't Mark because I met him already.

"Come in I guess" I say letting them in.

Sevyn POV

I looked up to see who Algee let in I saw my mom Susan and Channing.

"What are you guys doing here mom are you crazy to be bringing these people to my boyfriends house.

"Sevyn please we just came here because Susan tells me you haven't been attending her club" my mom says.

"Yeah because I'm not ever going to mom I'm not interested in that I have to much stuff going on I don't have time for you and your bull shit" I say

"Honey you shouldn't cuss at your mother" Susan says

"And you should mind your business this doesn't concern you family only" I say.

"Sevyn I think it's time for you to let go of that famous Love you have with Algee and be with Channing here he tells me has a thing for you I see a bright future for you guys" my mom says.

"Oh yes a very bright future" Susan says.

"With all due respect Tamera but me and Sevyn are going to be together forever whether you like it or not so if you don't mind I'd like for you to leave my house" Algee says.

"Aye man watch how you talk to them" Channing says stepping up in front of Algee face.

"Aye back the fuck up out my nigga face before we both fuck you up" I tell him stepping between him and Algee.

"Sevyn watch your mouth" my mom says.


They all looked at me and left his house.

"Baby I'm sorry that happened here I'm so embarrassed " I say

"It's good" he says.

"You sure" I ask

"Yeah babe I came to a conclusion your the tame one out of you and your mom" he says causing me to laugh.


Tamera POV

"So Tamera what are we going to do about getting me and Sevyn together" Channing asks me.

"I don't know we'll figure it out though because y'all are made for each other and she gone have to get out of this not liking white boys phase" I say.

"She doesn't like white boys why" Mark asks.

"They're just not her type" I say shrugging.

"That has to change" Susan says.

"If that's her opinion then we shouldn't bother it I love Sevyn as if she's my own but we can't choose anything for her she's a grown woman " Mark says.

"Mark watch your mouth you shouldn't stand for this" Susan says.

"Lady shut up" Mark says, I couldn't say anything because no matter how hard I try to change her she just won't.



Keith has been acting crazy he believes I'm pregnant but I'm obviously not.

"Baby just take the test" he says.

"No you take it" I say laughing he gave me a straight face making me stop laughing.

"I'm not playing with you Mya" he says.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm just not feeling it if I say I'm not pregnant then I'm not pregnant" I tell him.

"Yeah okay take the fucking test" he says slamming the test against my chest and walking out the bathroom.

I sighed and took the test once I was done I waited 5 minutes then looked at the test.

"KEITH" I yelled

"what's up" he says coming in the bathroom.

"Look at the test" I said.

"Baby it says that your-



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