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Tammy POV

I was sitting outside of Idris house for at least 30 minutes contemplating with myself if I wanna go knock on the door or not I'm not sure what I wanna do yet ughh this is so frustrating I finally decided that I'll go and knock what's the worse that could happen.

I knocked on the door waiting on somebody to answer the door it's 4 cars in his yard so somebody gotta be in there.

"Who is it" I heard sounds like August his accent strong.

I didn't say anything I was scared to that's when I heard the door unlock and began to move.

"Why you playing at my pops door" he asks me.

"I'm sorry I----I didn't know what to say" I say stuttering.

"Hmm let's see if somebody knocks on someone's door and the person inside the house says who is it your supposed to say who you are which means give us your name, what you want Tina" he says messing up my name.

"It's Tammy and I came to talk to yo father" I say

"Oh you wanna talk to my pops huh" he says smirking.

"Yes" I say

"Well come on in Tisha" he says still messing up my name.

Sevyn POV

Me Shelia and my dad was in the kitchen talking and eating waiting on August to come back from answering the door which he's been at for the longest now.

"What the hell is taking that boy so long" my dad says.

I heard August clear his throat and we all looked up to see August and behind him is Tammy hoe ass.

"What the fuck you doing here" I say

"Princess I got this" my dad says.

"Tammy why are you here didn't you get yo money fro yo cousin already there's nothing else here for you" he says.

"I just wanted to talk to you Idris please" she says.

"About" me and Shelia says at the same time.

"Ladies I got this Tammy go upstairs to my room then we can talk" my dad says getting up and following behind her.

I turned to look at mama Shelia.

"Mama I don't know about you but I'm bout to go ease drop" I say standing up.

"Girl I'm right behind you" she says.

"Y'all need some help let me know what happens " says August I swear this nigga just told us we need help now he wanna know what happens.

We tip toed upstairs to my dads room and put our ears to the door and began listening to what they were saying.

"What is it this time Tammy we have nothing to discuss I'm done with you" my dad says.  That's right daddy tell the hoe.

"Idris please I'm sorry okay yeah at first I was in it for the money but then I got to know you for you and fell in love those 3 months meant so much to me we can't just throw all that away Idris" Tammy says oh bitch please.

"Yeah we can actually I did you should to it's not good to hold on to something your never getting back" my dad says.

"Oh shit" me and mama says laughing I never knew my daddy had it in him like that okay pops I see you.

"So your really telling me that you don't want nothing else to do with me after everything we've been through" she says.

"Yes that's exactly what I'm saying you got what you wanted now your trying to find your way back what is she paying you double to do this or something cause if she is you and her both are some fucked up human beings. My dad says.

"No Idris I haven't talked to her since the night you found out I cut all ties off with her because I knew I wanted you back Idris this is hard i can't just erase everything we had" Tammy says.

"Damn the dick must've been that good huh" my daddy says.

I turned around looking at Shelia making throw up faces only to see her smirking and licking her lips eww they are so nasty. 

"Idris I'm trying to be serious here" Tammy says. 

"Me too Tammy listen to me when I say this what me and you had is over with done not gonna happen again this pipe is never going in you or down ya throat ever again go bother somebody else cause I ain't the one ma sorry not sorry" my dad says then we heard everything get quiet and Tammy's crying me and mama ran back down the stairs to our seat so fast pretending like we was talking. 

"So what happened " August asks.

"Shh we'll tell you later they coming back down" mama says.

We saw them walk to the front and heard the door slam then my dad came back to the table and finished eating like nothing happened.

"So what happened " I ask. 

"Like you and Shelia don't know what happened I heard y'all at the door laughing nosy asses" he says looking at me and mama.

"In my defense it was Sevyn's idea" mama says ratting me out.

"MAMA" I say

"What baby it was" she says.

"You just gone rat me out like that where's the love" I ask her.

"Ain't no love baby" she says laughing then dapping August up. 

I swear they act alike to much it's scary.

I haven't updated in a while so I had to get back to it.

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