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Kelly POV

Luke told me he invited Kayla over our house today good thing Key isn't here but still why in the hell you give this girl our address.
I was waiting for Luke to come home cause I will not be alone with her.

"About time you got here I was beginning to think you was gone leave me here with her on purpose" I say

Luke just looked at me chuckled the doorbell ringed and he went to go get it and in walked in Kayla since he showed me a picture of her I can't deny she cute but I'm not having it.

"Baby this is my ex-girlfriend Kayla, Kayla this is my wife Kelly" Luke says introducing us.

"Hi Kelly it's finally nice to meet you Luke has told me so much about you" Kayla says.

"Can't say the feelings mutual huh" I say

"Alright well lets get acquainted here shall we" he says.

"Kayla why are you texting my husband you know that he's married and a father so why do you think it was okay to text a married man without any consequences" I say getting straight to the point.

"I'm sorry Kayla I really am I just miss Luke so much that I didn't think about any of the consequences once I found out he has a whole new life I knew that I wanted to be apart of that someway I can" she says.

"That's pathetic trying to be apart of your ex new life we don't need you in our life HE DON'T need you in his life he has me he's good now all of a sudden since my husband is famous you want some kind of connection, what so that you can get money off of him girl bye I'm not with the shits i may look stuck up but I'm far from it but when it comes to someone trying to mess with my child or my husband I'm coming for you and I don't appreciate you texting my husband and I don't appreciate my husband texting you back either" I say turning around looking at Luke."I'm not just only fussing at you I'm fussing at Luke dumb ass to because it takes two to text so something had to click in his head that made him decide to text you back and meet up with you while I'm home sleep with our child so what was it Luke " I ask.

"Kelly don't bla-

"I was talking to Luke not Kayla now LUKE what was it" I say repeating myself.

"I don't even know baby okay honestly I just thought it would be no harm and I felt bad for her because she's been going through some things so I decided why not" he says.

"Well your why not gone cause you to get a divorce keep on why noting " I say

"I'm sorry baby" he says

"Mhmm I bet" I say

"Kelly I was kind of wondering if I could meet y'all daughter" she says.

"Hell no I don't want you around my child " I say

"Kelly let's not be harsh let her meet key" Luke's dumb ass said.

"Again hell to the no I don't want you around my daughter what so you can try to play mommy when I'm not around tuh no" I say " matter a fact this meeting here is over get out" I say.

Kayla got up and left the house without another word good girl.


Algee POV

"Algee you haven't been on tour or doing anything with the movie for a while don't you think we deserve some time together" Sevyn says.

"Baby you know I'm headed to Detroit in a couple of weeks for the movie Detroit " I say

"Okay but that's not now instead of you going out to have boys time have Sevyn time" she says.

"Baby you sound selfish " I say

"Ask me if I care Algee" she says with an attitude so I decided to get smart with her.

"Do you care?" I say causing her to throw the remote at me almost hitting me." What the fuck are you crazy" I yell.

"I might be" she says

"You need to go chill out somewhere I'm chilling with the guys tonight I'm not about to deal with yo shit sev" I say.

"Fine then don't I'll take my stuff and go home i don't have to deal with you Algee" she says getting up going in my room. I followed after her to see her packing her things out the closet on the side I made space for her.

"Sevyn what are you doing baby just put your things down and let's talk about this" I sa

"No Algee fuck you go straight to hell I hate you, it's never me it's always the boys I'm done " she says crying.

"Baby let's just talk okay I won't go out with the boys tonight I'll stay with you and you only I never knew us spending time together meant so much to you" I say

"Well it does Algee every time your gone I miss you I'm tired of feeling like you don't care about me if you don't just say so" she says

"What Sevyn I care about you to much girl I'm gonna marry you one day we're going to become a family don't ever say shit like that to me again " I say grabbing her and taking her bag out her hand I kissed her on the lips which turned into a full make out session then she pulled away I just held her face in my hand as we starred each other.

"I love you" we both say at the same time.

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