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Algee POV

I was leaving my manager office, I went to go see my manager to talk about some things and the performances I have for my Listen EP I was getting really busy ever since my EP came out and to be honest a nigga was really excited about that I told Sevyn and she was real happy for me at first I thought she'd be mad cause once I start doing more performances again she won't see me much but she told me it's my job and I was doing this before her so why stop now and I was glad she felt that way.

I decided to call Luke and see what's up with him I ain't see my boy in a while since he got married to Kelly.


Yo Luke what's up

Nothing much bruh what's up with you.

Nothing chilling I'm riding right now you not busy or nothing are you.

Nah man why

I'm bout to come swing that way bruh.

Alright man see you in a few.


I was only 15 minutes away from him and Kelly house once I got there I got out and went to the door before I could knock the door was snatched open.

"Oh hey Algee" Kelly says

"Hey Kells" I say giving her a hug.

"Luke in the family room" she tells me.

"Alright appreciate it but where you going looking all beautiful " I ask her

"I'm actually going to meet Tamia and Sevyn" she says

"Alright cool cool enjoy ya lil girls day" I tell her before walking in the house and closing the door behind me then locking it. "YO LUKE" I yell.


"But wasn't you just yelling " I ask him

"I pay bills " he says dismissing the conversation.

"What you been up to nigga" i ask him.

"Shit nothing chilling enjoying this marriage life" he says.

"True true congratulations again bruh" I tell him

"Thanks man, you next ain't it" he asks me.

"Nah not yet Keith been telling me and Woody he thinking about proposing to Mya so they might be next if one of the guys don't beat him to the punch" I say

"You right well I'm ready shit this time I'm the one relaxing and not spending money" he says

"I know that's right but how far along is Kelly now I see she poking" I say

"4 months we having a lil girl" he says

"Oh lord daddy Luke gotta get the guns ready" I say

"You got that right I gotta protect my little girl" he says

"Damn right and with all the uncles she got and aunties she good" I say

"Damn right knowing y'all crazy asses she never gone have a boyfriend and I'm making sure that to but knowing the girls they not having it she gone end up with one then imma have to shoot him" he says

I looked at him and bust out laughing.

"Man you crazy" I say

He just looked at me with "hey" face.

He just looked at me with "hey" face

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Sevyn POV

Me , Kelly and Tamia was all at my house drinking well me and Mia was Kelly can't since she pregnant with my niece.

"Y'all I over heard Woody on the phone with Algee and Keith saying he's going to propose to Mya" Tamia says

"Oh my gosh my baby is getting married" I say I was so happy for Mya she's been saying how she always wanted to get married to the love of her life one day I guess that day is coming soon.

"That's amazing " Kelly says

"So what's been going on with you and Algee how things been since the whole cheating thing" Kelly asks me.

"We taking things one step at a time but we doing good he's been changing for the better and I'm happy it was hard at first to even get back with him but i knew know matter what my heart is with him" I say smiling thinking about my baby.

"Aww my god sister growing up on me" Tamia says

"Hush Mia your not that older than me" I tell her.

"Yeah yeah " she says waving me off.

"So how long y'all knew each other " Kelly asks us.

"Forever I was a baby when Sevyn was born then her mom made my mom Sevyn's god mother and her mom was already my godmother " Tamia explains.

"Wow" Kelly says

Ding dong

"I'll get it" Tamia says

"Hey girl" I hear.

"Hey babe where Sev at" I hear Mya ask.

"In the kitchen with Kelly " she says then I heard my door close.

"Hey y'all" Mya says coming in the kitchen.

"Hey boo" I say

"Hey girly" Kelly says

"Damn y'all just having a girl time without me , Kiely and Lala" Mya says.

I just rolled my eyes her she can be so dramatic at times with her dramatic ass.

"Well you here now so shut up and drink up" I say.

"Mhmm" she mumbles but she sat down and took a drink like I said tho.

"But you did what I say" I tell her.

"But you did what I say" she says mimicking me I swear this girl can be so immature.


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