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Sevyn POV

Kelly mom came to my house and dropped Keyani off so now I'm on my way to take her home I'm still not understanding why her mom just didn't take key home herself but whatever.

"Hey girl " Kelly says opening the door.

"Hey I brought Key back" I say handing a sleepy key to Kelly.

"Aww thank you so much" she says laying key on the couch.

"Oh honey I hope you didn't think I was leaving yet girl run me juice on what happened with Luke and his mistress". I say causing her to laugh.

"You so crazy but yeah come on let's sit over here while I run this juice girl" she says going to sit on the other couch.

"Alright enough sugar coating girl what happened " I ask.

"Well she came over I fussed her out and Luke out then the bitch had the nerve to ask can she see my daughter my child sev this bitch is out of her mind for that I wanted to kill her ass and then Luke dumb ass had the nerve to say come on let her see her babe nigga I almost smacked the taste out of his mouth he had me so fucked up sev I kicked her ass out my house Luke better be glad I ain't kick him out with her ass" she says.

"Shit I would've if I ever find out Algee texting any of his ex girlfriends I'll kill him dead and that bitch nobody making it out alive in this bitch I'll kill for mines and Luke knows better out of any of the guys Luke is the one they look up to shit y'all relationship is what I admire the most one day I hope me and Algee can have what y'all have be just like y'all " I say.

"I don't want you and Algee to be like us I want y'all to be better than us" she says.


After talking with Kelly for a while I left I headed to Mya's and Keith house they finally moved in since they found out about her being pregnant.

I ringed the bell a couple of times but nobody answered but both of their cars are here I decided to call Mya first.




"Hi you reach Mya sorry I can't answer the phone but I'll get back to you as soon as I can"

Great her voicemail what the hell is going on let me text her.
Bestie😍❤️😘: Wya?

I decided to call Keith




"Hello" oh thank god he answered.

"Hey Keith it's me Sevyn "

"Yeah I know I got caller ID sev" he says chuckling

"Smart ass where my best friend "

"Hospital today's her appointment and we had to make sure everything was okay with the baby"

"How y'all got there"

"Her mom but look I gotta go I'll let Mya know you called and tell her to call you back " he says before hanging up.

Well then I just got in my car and headed to my moms house since she's been blowing my phone up her and my grandmother.

I finally pulled up to her and Mark's house yeah I said it right the fuckers decided to move in together great just great🙄.

I knocked on the door waiting impatiently shit they on my time I kept banging until my mother finally answered.

"What the hell Sevyn have some class" she says opening the door.

"Whatever " I say pushing pass her and walking in shit you on my time lady as I walked in I saw Mark , Channing and Susan oh fucking great.

"Why am I here ma" I ask her sitting down next to Mark moving my seat away from the other two.

"Because me and Susan talked and thought it would be a good idea if you and Channing you know date leave Algee and move to Minnesota with Channing and we'll pay off everything all the expenses the bills everything " my mom says.

"Yeah and then you Channing can give me some grand babies and Mark and Tamera" Susan says.

"Yeah and I can finally say I got you and took you away from Algin" he says mis-pronouncing Algee's name.

"If y'all don't get the fuck out my face I'm not moving to Minnesota with no damn Channing no offense to white males but THEY ARE NOT MY TYPE I love Algee past death and I will not leave him for anybody I'm not getting pregnant by no damn CHANNING SO STAY THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE DAMN" I say getting up leaving out the house I heard footsteps behind me but I kept walking until I finally got to my car.

"Sevyn please wait" Mark says I stopped and turned around to look at him.

"Yes" I asked clearly pissed.

"I'm sorry I knew nothing about their little plan to ruin your life all I was told was that they were going to apologize to you and beg you to be in the wedding I didn't know that was their real plan". He says

"It's okay Mark I saw your face expression I knew you had nothing to do with it but I do feel bad that you have to marry her , her actions are wrong Mark" I say.

"Your mom isn't like this she's better than this she use to speak so highly of you she was so excited for me too meet you and the night I met you she met my mother my mom kept telling her to do this and that with you once she found out Tamera has a daughter and instead of Tamera ignoring she tried it anyways I'm sorry I'll talk to her cause if she don't get her act together and stop following up my mom the wedding is off" he says.

"Mark no you don't ha-"

"No I can't be in another marriage all about my mother I'll still be there for you know matter what even though your father is in your life that's fine I'll still be there but once I talk to your mom and she don't change I'm done" he says turning around and heading back into the house.

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