Chpt 7.

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Question. I know this proably a stupid question but I need to know.

Do y'all want two parts of this a day? Or three?

Because I have two schedules in mind of what I can do, so tell me what you want and I'll make up the schedule so that yal l can read it next part.

"--We don't even know if she's alive still. She's been missing since she gave birth to my sister Riley. I was only two at the time, so....I really don't remember too much about her. No one knows what happened, the case is still open...but yet...there's no lead" I told him, messing with my fingers.

"Wow that's...that's really fucked up babe. I can't imagine how you feel knowing that. That's really something to live with"

"Tell me about it. Shit, and dad is locked up. He got booked hours later after she was reported missing. I heard he went off but.....he had kids at home. A new born baby at that, why would you just go out and do some dumbshit. Now we're without a mother and a father out here. Sure our aunts took us in with her kids just wasn't the same. Me and my sisters felt like outsiders...., we were orphans. Ray and Riley are all I have that's true family to me. The only family I have"

Suddenly, he reached over to grab my hand that I just so happen to place on the bed again. "I know I'm not your real family, but just know that I'm here for you now. So...You got me too"

I smiled so hard at his words, still couldn't believe a man was even attempting to say this to me. "Thank you for that Jay, I promise that I'll be here for you too. And thanks for listening to me" I grabbed his hand on the bed back.

"But I'm sorry about your parents. I know it's probably hard for you to see others with their mom and dad. Its crazy what happened to your mom though but you should never give up hope. Same for ya pops. He probably went off because his chick was missing you know, I would've went off too if you....God forbid went missing. But yeah, it was irresponsible of him but he's only in jail. What's his sentence?"

"25...I think, you know who my dad is. So they didn't just book him for one thing. Fucking snake-ass cops, that's why I don't respect the fuzz now" I gritted my teeth.


"But can I ask you something? Not that this is wrong or anything but why haven't you moved out from your mother's house yet?"

"I did move out but then I had to move right back in. I forgot to mention it but me and my ex brought a house together when we got out of school. I made the stupid decision to let her put the house in her name. But all of a sudden she turned up pregnant and claimed it was by me. But...It wasn't, she had another dude on the side of me sadly. Then after I found out, she kicked me out and thus I had to move back with my mom. Least I got the car though, but...I was so hurt that she cheated and the kid wasn't ours. I love children really fucked me up inside like I said before"

"Damn, what a slut-ass bitch. Want me to go rough her up for you? You know I will too and her baby can watch" I laughed.

"Nah bae, I'm not even worried about that bullshit no more. I been doing me for a year now, why waste my energy and time.."

"True. I feel that"

"But once I get my paper, I can guarantee you that I'm a move out of here"

·2 Months Later, February 2032·
📍Brianna's house

Climbing up to his lap, I watched him chuckle in my presence. Grabbing hold of me as I showed him my affection in the chair.

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