Flowers of Life and Doom ( oneshot )

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Whoop whoop new oneshot yaaay~☆

Don't judge me, I had no better title in mind.

Ship: KuroKen ( who aren't childhood friends in this story because that would ruin it for sure )

This is my first time writing about these two people, so they'd probably be way out of character xD

(*hears instense screaming and barking dogs in the distance*

. . . Fcuk. Are the neighbors murdering each other? No, I'm serious. It seems like it. . . Wtf )


Ever since he was a child, Kenma had been seeing things people normally don't.

It's not something about ghosts, monsters or demons. Far from it. Though the quality of being related to the supernatural was there.

And because of this, he was weird. Eerie, eccentric, creepy, whatever word children had managed to think of, they always arrived to brighten up his day. Yeah, to brighten up his already very bright day.

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but snort.

Hell, all the years he spent on earth so far were nothing but dull, grey, boring, colourless. Bland and plain and flat, every single one of those words were understatements.

Because he was weird, he had a natural human-repellent stuck to him. Well, it was so rude to think of it this way, but it was as if he was ridden with bug spray, and the everyone else that existed were bugs.

Bugs. Perfect word.

Even his own relatives started turning away from him at his eccentricities. If he had known better, he would start thinking he was a bastard child or something.

Well, he's probably just that problematic.

When he went to school for the first time, it was fine. He made a few friends. Then when he turned eight, it started. He started seeing the future.

It didn't have limits as to how far ahead it would take him, but at most, it would have been about an hour or so during those times in his childhood. He would see his classmate eating something bad, then going home because of the stomach pains. He would see his seatmate cheating, then being given penalty.

That was where it all started.

He remembered warning one of his friends about a potential car accident. Everyone heard it and shrugged it off as some other childish joke that everybody makes. But he was different. He knew what was there to joke about and what was there not to.

And he was damn serious.

Later that day, his friend and the rest of his family got hit by a truck while driving in the highway. They were found dead below a cliff two days later, and much to his classmates' surprise, Kenma was right.

Demon, witch, Satan, harbinger, every single creature from the legends, they named him. Though he didn't care.

Eventually, everyone forgot about it. But that was only for a temporary amount of time. In fourth grade, it happened again. This time, it was about one of their classmates committing suicide because of family abuse unbeknownst to all of them.

No one listened to him. Then, she did it.

They started to suspect Kenma was a psycho-child who was just out to investigate human activities and slay everyone for his thirst for an eerie source of bliss.

It dragged on further than the last time, and he didn't care, too. But he just kinda didn't care. He was concerned. He was worried. Worried about his friends and about himself.

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