• 30-day challenge • day 2 •

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just going to tell you that I'm not really good at these kinds of things, so my answer might be a little vague. expect them to coil around a stick repeatedly and to keep confusing you. my answer probably wouldn't even fit the question/item, i swear.


√ i have a lot of things in mind which i don't fucking like about this shit we call a world, but one of the things that made a mark in my mind, is how the earliest lie can be told at age two.

i mean, yeah, lying seems like a normal thing these days.

that's the point, fuckface.

the way we just naturally let lies slip out of our mouth, the way we can just waltz into a room and spout falsifications about the brand of our shoes or the fucking reason we arrived thirty minutes after the scheuled time. the most impressive, scary part of that is when it convinces people. or maybe they're lying about being convinved? who knows, because it's too easy to get people caught in the illusion of you "telling the truth".

alright, let's get real. honestly (or is it?), the only thing that can save our asses these days when we're in some deep shit is to say some fucking fabrication we made, maybe while we were fucking walking or automatically generated by our brains at the last goddamned moment. it's the easiest way to pass through a solid brick wall, the most effective method so we can turn any surface into transparent sheets. some people are even becoming "experts at lying", in a way they can perceive the results of their mistruths in advance, or can see the percentage of veracity in others' eyes. the fact that this is getting more common than honesty is a little disturbing. no, scratch that, extremely scary.

in a world where anyone can simply blurt out a falsified fact even when held under the pressure of a threatening blade, it's not fucking guaranteed anymore that you can actually even believe a fact. if someone tells you that this plant is poisonous when you're stuck in the wild and you're hungry as fuck, there's a huge possibility that a fight will break out between the two of you. Why?

a) your hunger will get to you and you'll be in rage as you hunt for more food
b) you're evil as fuck so you'll test it on your companion
c) you'll think they're lying because they either want the plant for themself or they want you to die of starvation
   c1) you'll doubt them silently and you'll be paranoid throughout, the whole fucking time
   c2) you'll openly oppose them and might end up harming or killing them because of a number of reasons that i'm sure lies in every human mind. atleast one of em.

the last option is what i deem the most plausible, but maybe most of us has choice a) as our natural reaction. doesn't matter. either way, we're having doubts because we're unsure of whether or not a person is telling the truth or not. in a society like ours which is wilder than a fucking amazon (not the online shop), we are confused between a lion who has a rabbit in between its teeth, or a rabbit who is in cahoots with lion so it can deceive you about vulnerability.

it's as if our whole decision-making is used to nothing more than attempting to determine lies and truths, because that's what the entire populace is made of. it's as if lying has become a part of our daily routine, so much so that the world is full of altered facts.

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